	description: "Wrapper for the MPG123 internal library"
	author: "Louis Marchand"
	date: "Tue, 21 Feb 2017 01:08:21 +0000"
	revision: "0.2"

class interface


feature -- Externals

	frozen mpg123_close (mh: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Closes the source mh, if libmpg123 opened it.

	frozen mpg123_delete (mh: POINTER)
			-- Delete handle mh. mh is either a valid mpg123 handle or NULL.

	frozen mpg123_exit
			-- Function to close down the mpg123 library.
			-- This function is not thread-safe. Call it exactly once per process.

	frozen mpg123_init: INTEGER_32
			-- Function to initialise the mpg123 library.
			-- This function is not thread-safe. Call it exactly once per process, before any other (possibly threaded) work with the library.

	frozen mpg123_plain_strerror (errcode: INTEGER_32): POINTER
			-- Look up error strings given errcode.

	frozen mpg123_open (mh, path: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Open in the handler mh and prepare to decode the specified file by filesystem path.

	frozen mpg123_new (decoder, error: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Create a handle with optional choice of decoder and optional retrieval of an error code.
			-- Any of or both the parameters may be NULL.

	frozen mpg123_getformat (mh, rate, channels, encoding: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Get the current output format written to the addresses given.

	frozen mpg123_format_none (mh: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Configure a mpg123 handle mh to accept no output format at all.
			-- Use before specifying supported formats with mpg123_format

	frozen mpg123_format (mh: POINTER; rate, channels, encoding: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
			-- Set the audio format support (rate, channels and encoding) of a mpg123_handle mh

	frozen mpg123_seek (mh: POINTER; sampleoff, whence: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
			-- Seek to a desired sample offset. Usage is modelled afer the standard lseek().

	frozen mpg123_read (mh, outmemory: POINTER; outmemsize: INTEGER_32; done: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Read from stream and decode up to outmemsize bytes.

	frozen mpg123_tell (mh: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Returns the current position in samples. On the next successful read, you'd get that sample.

	frozen mpg123_length (mh: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Return, if possible, the full (expected) length of current track in samples.

	frozen mpg123_scan (mh: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Make a full parsing scan of each frame in the file.

	frozen mpg123_meta_check (mh: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Query if there is (new) meta info, be it ID3 or ICY (or something new in future).

	frozen mpg123_id3 (mh, v1, v2: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Point v1 and v2 to existing data structures wich may change
			-- on any next read/decode function call. v1 and/or v2 can be
			-- set to NULL when there is no corresponding data.
feature -- Structures

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v1_struct_title (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Title string of the ID3 V1 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v1_struct_artist (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Artist string of the ID3 V1 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v1_struct_album (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Album string of the ID3 V1 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v1_struct_year (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Year string of the ID3 V1 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v1_struct_comment (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Comment string of the ID3 V1 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v1_struct_genre (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): NATURAL_8
			-- Genre index of the ID3 V1 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v2_struct_title (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Title string of the ID3 V2 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v2_struct_artist (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Artist string of the ID3 V2 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v2_struct_album (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Album string of the ID3 V2 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v2_struct_year (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Year string of the ID3 V2 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v2_struct_genre (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Genre string of the ID3 V2 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_id3v2_struct_comment (a_mpg123_id3v1: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Comment string of the ID3 V2 metadata

	frozen get_mpg123_string_struct_p (a_mpg123_string: POINTER): POINTER
			-- Get the data pointer from a mpg123_string

	frozen get_mpg123_string_struct_fill (a_mpg123_string: POINTER): INTEGER_32
			-- Get the data size from a mpg123_string
feature -- Constants

	frozen sizeof_mpg123_id3v1_title: INTEGER_32

	frozen sizeof_mpg123_id3v1_artist: INTEGER_32

	frozen sizeof_mpg123_id3v1_album: INTEGER_32

	frozen sizeof_mpg123_id3v1_year: INTEGER_32

	frozen sizeof_mpg123_id3v1_comment: INTEGER_32

	frozen mpg123_ok: INTEGER_32

	frozen mpg123_err: INTEGER_32

	frozen mpg123_enc_signed_16: INTEGER_32

	frozen mpg123_enc_ulaw_8: INTEGER_32

	frozen mpg123_id3_constant: INTEGER_32

	frozen seek_set: INTEGER_32
end -- class MPG_EXTERNAL

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