note description: "[ Objects that are able to iterate over a CHAIN structures (forward and backward) and the content can be addressed with integers key. Can be use to access a CHAIN in read only. ]" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "July 23, 2014" revision: "" class interface CHAIN_INDEXABLE_ITERATOR [G] create make feature -- Access item: G -- Item at current position i_th alias "[]" (i: INTEGER_32): G -- Entry at position i. at alias "@" (i: INTEGER_32): G -- Entry at position i require i_valid: valid_index (i) index: INTEGER_32 -- Index of current position feature -- Measurement lower: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum index. upper: INTEGER_32 -- Maximum index. count: INTEGER_32 -- Number of items feature -- Status report readable: BOOLEAN -- Is there a current item that may be read? valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is i a valid index? after: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to the right of current one? before: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to the left of current one? full: BOOLEAN -- Is structure filled to capacity? valid_cursor_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is i correctly bounded for cursor movement? ensure valid_cursor_index_definition: Result = ((i >= 0) and (i <= count + 1)) feature -- Cursor movement start -- Move to first position if any. finish -- Move to last position. forth -- Move to next position; if no next position, -- ensure that exhausted will be true. back -- Move to previous position. move (i: INTEGER_32) -- Move cursor i positions. The cursor -- may end up off if the absolute value of i -- is too big. ensure too_far_right: (old index + i > count) implies exhausted too_far_left: (old index + i < 1) implies exhausted expected_index: (not exhausted) implies (index = old index + i) go_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) -- Move cursor to i-th position. require valid_cursor_index: valid_cursor_index (i) ensure position_expected: target.index = i invariant target_not_void: target /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 2014, Louis Marchand" license: "MIT License (see" end -- class CHAIN_INDEXABLE_ITERATOR
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