class ARRAY [G] General cluster: elks description: "Sequences of values, all of the same type or of a conforming one, accessible through integer indices in a contiguous interval." create: make_empty, make, make_filled, make_from_array, make_from_special, make_from_cil Ancestors INDEXABLE* [G, H -> INTEGER_32] RESIZABLE* [G] TO_SPECIAL [T] Queries additional_space: INTEGER_32 all_default: BOOLEAN area: SPECIAL [G] at alias "@" (i: INTEGER_32): G capacity: INTEGER_32 changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN count: INTEGER_32 entry (i: INTEGER_32): G extendible: BOOLEAN filled_with (v: G): BOOLEAN for_all (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN full: BOOLEAN Growth_percentage: INTEGER_32 has (v: G): BOOLEAN is_empty: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] ARRAY [G]): BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: G): BOOLEAN item alias "[]" (i: INTEGER_32): G linear_representation: LINEAR [G] lower: INTEGER_32 Minimal_increase: INTEGER_32 new_cursor: ARRAY_ITERATION_CURSOR [G] object_comparison: BOOLEAN occurrences (v: G): INTEGER_32 prunable: BOOLEAN resizable: BOOLEAN same_items (other: [like Current] ARRAY [G]): BOOLEAN subarray (start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER_32): ARRAY [G] there_exists (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN to_c: ANY to_cil: NATIVE_ARRAY [G] to_special: SPECIAL [G] upper: INTEGER_32 valid_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN Commands automatic_grow bag_put (v: G) clear_all compare_objects compare_references conservative_resize_with_default (a_default_value: G; min_index, max_index: INTEGER_32) copy (other: [like Current] ARRAY [G]) discard_items do_all (action: PROCEDURE [G]) do_all_with_index (action: PROCEDURE [G, INTEGER_32]) do_if (action: PROCEDURE [G]; test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]) do_if_with_index (action: PROCEDURE [G, INTEGER_32]; test: FUNCTION [G, INTEGER_32, BOOLEAN]) enter (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32) extend (v: G) fill (other: CONTAINER [G]) fill_with (v: G) force (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32) force_and_fill (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32) grow (i: INTEGER_32) keep_head (n: INTEGER_32) keep_tail (n: INTEGER_32) make_empty make_filled (a_default_value: G; min_index, max_index: INTEGER_32) make_from_array (a: ARRAY [G]) make_from_cil (na: NATIVE_ARRAY [[like item] G]) make_from_special (a: SPECIAL [G]) prune (v: G) prune_all (v: G) put (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32) rebase (a_lower: [like lower] INTEGER_32) remove_head (n: INTEGER_32) remove_tail (n: INTEGER_32) subcopy (other: ARRAY [[like item] G]; start_pos, end_pos, index_pos: INTEGER_32) trim Constraints area exists consistent size non negative count
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