note description: "[ Exception for a COM error ]" library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date: 2020-05-19 14:32:38 +0000 (Tue, 19 May 2020) $" revision: "$Revision: 104260 $" class COM_FAILURE inherit OPERATING_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION create default_create feature -- Access hresult: INTEGER_32 -- Original HRESULT. hresult_code: INTEGER_32 -- Error code of COM code: INTEGER_32 -- Exception code do Result := {EXCEP_CONST}.com_exception end Tag: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- A short message describing what current exception is once create Result.make_from_string_8 ("COM error.") end feature -- Status setting set_hresult_code (a_code: like hresult_code) -- Set hresult_code with a_code. do hresult_code := a_code end hresult_facility: INTEGER_32 -- Facility code. do Result := ccom_hresult_facility (hresult) end hresult_message: STRING_8 -- Error message. local r: detachable STRING_8 do r := exception_information if r /= Void then r := r.twin; r.remove_head (10); r.adjust end if r = Void or else r.is_empty and then hresult_code > 0 then r := error_message (hresult_code).out end if r = Void then create Result.make_empty else Result := r end ensure non_void_message: Result /= Void end feature -- Element Change trigger (a_code: INTEGER_32) -- Raise exception with code code. -- See class ECOM_EXCEPTION_CODES in EiffelCom for possible values. local l_hresult_string: STRING_8 do hresult_code := a_code l_hresult_string := ccom_hresult_to_string (a_code) set_description (l_hresult_string) set_exception_information (l_hresult_string) raise end feature {EXCEPTION_MANAGER} -- Implementation exception_information: detachable STRING_8 -- Stream holding exception information. set_exception_information (a_message: STRING_8) -- Initialize current with stream of a_message. require a_message_not_void: a_message /= Void local c_string: C_STRING do exception_information := a_message if hresult_code > 0 then create c_string.make (ccom_hresult_to_string (hresult_code)) hresult := ccom_hresult (c_string.item) else create c_string.make (a_message) hresult := ccom_hresult (c_string.item) hresult_code := ccom_hresult_code (hresult) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation frozen ccom_hresult_to_string (a_code: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 do Result := a_code.to_hex_string Result := {STRING_8}"0x" + Result end frozen ccom_hresult (an_exception_code: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C inline" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS char *stopstring = NULL; long result = 0, high_bits = 0, low_bits = 0; char high_str [7]; char *exception_code = (char *)($an_exception_code); if (NULL != exception_code) { strncpy (high_str, exception_code, 6); high_str [6] = '\0'; high_bits = strtol (high_str, &stopstring, 16); low_bits = strtol (exception_code + 6, &stopstring, 16); result = (high_bits << 16) + low_bits; } return (EIF_INTEGER)result; #else return 0; #endif ]" end frozen ccom_hresult_code (an_hresult: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 external "C inline use %"eif_com_exception.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS return HRESULT_CODE($an_hresult); #else return 0; #endif ]" end frozen ccom_hresult_facility (an_hresult: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 external "C inline use %"eif_com_exception.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS return HRESULT_FACILITY($an_hresult); #else return 0; #endif ]" end frozen cwin_error_text (a_code: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Get text from error a_code. It is up to the caller to free -- the returned buffer using cwin_local_free. external "C inline use %"eif_com_exception.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS LPVOID result; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, $a_code, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &result, 0, NULL ); return result; #else return 0; #endif ]" end frozen c_strlen (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- Number of characters in ptr. -- (export status {NONE}) external "C inline use %"eif_com_exception.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS return (EIF_INTEGER_32) _tcslen ((wchar_t *) $ptr); #else return 0; #endif ]" end frozen character_size: INTEGER_32 -- Number of bytes occupied by a TCHAR. external "C inline use %"eif_com_exception.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS return sizeof(TCHAR); #else return 0; #endif ]" end frozen cwin_local_free (a_ptr: POINTER) -- Free a_ptr using LocalFree. external "C inline use %"eif_com_exception.h%"" alias "[ #ifdef EIF_WINDOWS LocalFree((HLOCAL) $a_ptr); #endif ]" end feature {NONE} -- Accesss error_message (a_code: like hresult_code): STRING_32 require a_code_non_negative: a_code >= 0 local l_ptr: POINTER l_mptr: MANAGED_POINTER i, n: INTEGER_32 do l_ptr := cwin_error_text (a_code) if l_ptr = default_pointer then Result := {STRING_32}"" else from i := 0 n := c_strlen (l_ptr) create l_mptr.make_from_pointer (l_ptr, n * character_size) create Result.make (n) until i = n loop Result.append_code (l_mptr.read_natural_16 (i * character_size).to_natural_32) i := i + 1 end cwin_local_free (l_ptr) end ensure error_message_not_void: Result /= Void end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class COM_FAILURE
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