deferred class COMPARABLE_STRUCT [G -> COMPARABLE] General cluster: elks description: "Data structures whose items may be compared according to a total order relation" Ancestors BILINEAR* [G] Queries after: BOOLEAN before: BOOLEAN changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN exhausted: BOOLEAN for_all (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN has (v: [like item] G): BOOLEAN index: INTEGER_32 index_of (v: [like item] G; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 is_empty: BOOLEAN item: G item_for_iteration: G linear_representation: LINEAR [G] max: [like item] G min: [like item] G min_max_available: BOOLEAN new_cursor: ITERATION_CURSOR [G] object_comparison: BOOLEAN occurrences (v: [like item] G): INTEGER_32 off: BOOLEAN there_exists (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN Commands back compare_objects compare_references do_all (action: PROCEDURE [G]) do_if (action: PROCEDURE [G]; test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]) finish forth search (v: [like item] G) start Constraints empty constraint
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