note description: "[ Commonly used console input and output mechanisms. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities. ]" library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date: 2020-05-28 16:02:59 +0000 (Thu, 28 May 2020) $" revision: "$Revision: 104378 $" class CONSOLE inherit PLAIN_TEXT_FILE rename make_open_read as make_open_stdin, make_open_write as make_open_stdout export {NONE} all {CONSOLE} open_read, close {ANY} separator, append, file_pointer, last_character, last_integer, last_integer_32, last_integer_8, last_integer_16, last_integer_64, last_natural_8, last_natural_16, last_natural, last_natural_32, last_natural_64, last_real, last_string, last_double, file_readable, lastchar, lastint, lastreal, laststring, lastdouble, readable, is_closed, extendible, is_open_write, putint, put_integer, put_integer_8, put_integer_16, put_integer_32, put_integer_64, readint, read_integer, read_integer_8, read_integer_16, read_integer_32, read_integer_64, put_natural, put_natural_8, put_natural_16, put_natural_32, put_natural_64, read_natural, read_natural_8, read_natural_16, read_natural_32, read_natural_64 redefine Default_encoding, detect_encoding, make_open_stdin, make_open_stdout, Count, Is_empty, exists, read_real, read_double, read_character, read_line, read_stream, read_word, next_line, put_boolean, put_real, put_double, put_string, put_character, put_new_line, new_line, end_of_file, file_close, readreal, readdouble, readchar, readline, readstream, readword, putbool, putreal, putdouble, putstring, putchar, dispose, read_to_string, back, read_line_thread_aware, read_stream_thread_aware, read_word_thread_aware, read_integer_with_no_type, Ctoi_convertor, new_cursor end ANY create {STD_FILES} make_open_stdin, make_open_stdout, make_open_stderr feature -- Initialization make_open_stdin (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create a standard input file. do make_with_name (fn) file_pointer := console_def (0) set_read_mode end make_open_stdout (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create a standard output file. do make_with_name (fn) file_pointer := console_def (1) set_write_mode end make_open_stderr (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create a standard error file. do make_with_name (fn) file_pointer := console_def (2) set_write_mode end feature -- Encoding Default_encoding: ENCODING -- Default value for encoding. once Result := {SYSTEM_ENCODINGS}.console_encoding end detect_encoding -- Detect and update encoding according to BOM detection. do set_encoding ({SYSTEM_ENCODINGS}.console_encoding) end feature -- Status report end_of_file: BOOLEAN -- Have we reached the end of file? do Result := console_eof (file_pointer) end exists: BOOLEAN -- Does file exist? do Result := True end Count: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Useless for CONSOLE class. feature -- Removal dispose -- This is closed by the operating system at completion. do end feature -- Cursor movement back -- Not supported on console do end feature -- Iteration new_cursor: FILE_ITERATION_CURSOR -- Fresh cursor associated with current structure do if is_open_read then create Result.make_open_stdin else create Result.make_empty end end feature -- Input read_real -- Read a new real from standard input. -- Make result available in last_real. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of readreal. do last_real := console_readreal (file_pointer) end readreal -- Read a new real from standard input. -- Make result available in last_real. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of read_real. do last_real := console_readreal (file_pointer) end read_double -- Read a new double from standard input. -- Make result available in last_double. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of readdouble. do last_double := console_readdouble (file_pointer) end readdouble -- Read a new double from standard input. -- Make result available in last_double. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of read_double. do last_double := console_readdouble (file_pointer) end read_line -- Read a string until new line or end of file. -- Make result available in last_string. -- New line will be consumed but not part of last_string. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of readline. require else is_readable: file_readable do read_line_thread_aware end readline -- Read a string until new line or end of file. -- Make result available in last_string. -- New line will be consumed but not part of last_string. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of read_line. require else is_readable: file_readable do read_line_thread_aware end read_line_thread_aware -- Read characters until a new line or -- end of medium. -- Make result available in last_string. -- Functionally identical to read_line but -- won't prevent garbage collection from occurring -- while blocked waiting for data, though data must -- be copied an extra time. require else is_readable: file_readable local str_cap: INTEGER_32 read: INTEGER_32 done: BOOLEAN l: like last_string l_old_count, l_new_count: INTEGER_32 l_buffer: like Read_data_buffer do l := last_string l_buffer := Read_data_buffer from l.wipe_out str_cap := l_buffer.capacity until done loop read := console_readline (file_pointer, l_buffer.item, str_cap, 0) l_old_count := l.count l_new_count := l_old_count + read.min (str_cap) done := read <= str_cap; l.grow (l_new_count); l.set_count (l_new_count); l_buffer.copy_to_string (l, 1, l_old_count + 1, read.min (str_cap)) end end read_stream (nb_char: INTEGER_32) -- Read a string of at most nb_char bound characters -- from standard input. -- Make result available in last_string. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of readstream. do read_stream_thread_aware (nb_char) end readstream (nb_char: INTEGER_32) -- Read a string of at most nb_char bound characters -- from standard input. -- Make result available in last_string. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of read_stream. do read_stream_thread_aware (nb_char) end read_stream_thread_aware (nb_char: INTEGER_32) -- Read a string of at most nb_char bound characters -- or until end of medium is encountered. -- Make result available in last_string. -- Functionally identical to read_stream but -- won't prevent garbage collection from occurring -- while blocked waiting for data, though data must -- be copied an extra time. local new_count: INTEGER_32 l_buffer: like Read_data_buffer l_str: like last_string do l_str := last_string l_buffer := Read_data_buffer; l_buffer.set_count (nb_char) new_count := console_readstream (file_pointer, l_buffer.item, nb_char); l_buffer.set_count (new_count); l_str.grow (new_count); l_str.set_count (new_count); l_buffer.read_string_into (l_str) end read_word -- Read a new word from standard input. -- Make result available in last_string. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of readword. do read_word_thread_aware end readword -- Read a new word from standard input. -- Make result available in last_string. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of read_word. do read_word_thread_aware end read_word_thread_aware -- Read a string, excluding white space and stripping -- leading white space. -- Make result available in last_string. -- White space characters are: blank, new_line, tab, -- vertical tab, formfeed, end of file. local str_cap: INTEGER_32 read: INTEGER_32 done: BOOLEAN l: like last_string l_old_count, l_new_count: INTEGER_32 l_buffer: like Read_data_buffer do l := last_string l_buffer := Read_data_buffer from l.wipe_out str_cap := l_buffer.capacity until done loop read := console_readword (file_pointer, l_buffer.item, str_cap, 0) l_old_count := l.count l_new_count := l_old_count + read.min (str_cap) done := read <= str_cap; l.grow (l_new_count); l.set_count (l_new_count); l_buffer.copy_to_string (l, 1, l_old_count + 1, read.min (str_cap)) end separator := console_separator (file_pointer) end read_character -- Read a new character from standard input. -- Make result available in last_character. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of readchar. do last_character := console_readchar (file_pointer) end readchar -- Read a new character from standard input. -- Make result available in last_character. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of read_character. do last_character := console_readchar (file_pointer) end next_line -- Move to next input line on standard input. do console_next_line (file_pointer) end feature -- Output put_character (c: CHARACTER_8) -- Write c at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of putchar. do console_pc (file_pointer, c) end putchar (c: CHARACTER_8) -- Write c at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of put_character. do console_pc (file_pointer, c) end put_string (s: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Write s at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of putstring. local n: like {READABLE_STRING_8}.count external_s: ANY do n := s.count if n > 0 then external_s := s.area console_ps (file_pointer, $external_s.to_pointer, n) end end putstring (s: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Write s at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of put_string. local n: like {READABLE_STRING_8}.count external_s: ANY do n := s.count if n > 0 then external_s := s.area console_ps (file_pointer, $external_s.to_pointer, n) end end put_real (r: REAL_32) -- Write r at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of putreal. do console_pr (file_pointer, r) end putreal (r: REAL_32) -- Write r at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of put_real. do console_pr (file_pointer, r) end put_double (d: REAL_64) -- Write d at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of putdouble. do console_pd (file_pointer, d) end putdouble (d: REAL_64) -- Write d at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of put_double. do console_pd (file_pointer, d) end put_boolean (b: BOOLEAN) -- Write b at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of putbool. do if b then put_string ("True") else put_string ("False") end end putbool (b: BOOLEAN) -- Write b at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of put_boolean. do if b then put_string ("True") else put_string ("False") end end put_new_line -- Write line feed at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of new_line. do console_tnwl (file_pointer) end new_line -- Write line feed at end of default output. -- Was declared in CONSOLE as synonym of put_new_line. do console_tnwl (file_pointer) end feature -- Inapplicable Is_empty: BOOLEAN = False -- Useless for CONSOLE class. feature {FILE_ITERATION_CURSOR} -- Iteration console_def (number: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- Convert number to the corresponding -- file descriptor. external "C use %"eif_console.h%"" end feature {NONE} -- Implementation Ctoi_convertor: STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTOR -- Convertor used to parse string to integer or natural once create Result.make; Result.set_leading_separators (Internal_leading_separators); Result.set_leading_separators_acceptable (True); Result.set_trailing_separators_acceptable (False) end read_integer_with_no_type -- Read a ASCII representation of number of type -- at current position. do read_number_sequence (Ctoi_convertor, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_no_limitation) consume_characters end consume_characters -- Consume all characters from current position -- until we meet a new-line character. do from until end_of_file or last_character = '%N' loop read_character end end read_to_string (a_string: STRING_8; pos, nb: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Fill a_string, starting at position pos with at -- most nb characters read from current file. -- Return the number of characters actually read. do Result := file_gss (file_pointer, a_string.area.item_address (pos - 1), nb); a_string.reset_hash_codes end console_eof (file: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C signature (FILE *): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_separator (file: POINTER): CHARACTER_8 -- ASCII code of character following last word read external "C signature (FILE *): EIF_CHARACTER use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_ps (file: POINTER; s: POINTER; length: INTEGER_32) -- Write string s at end of file external "C signature (FILE *, char *, EIF_INTEGER) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_pr (file: POINTER; r: REAL_32) -- Write real r at end of file external "C signature (FILE *, EIF_REAL) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_pc (file: POINTER; c: CHARACTER_8) -- Write character c at end of file external "C signature (FILE *, EIF_CHARACTER) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_pd (file: POINTER; d: REAL_64) -- Write double d at end of file external "C signature (FILE *, EIF_DOUBLE) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_pi (file: POINTER; i: INTEGER_32) -- Write integer i at end of file external "C signature (FILE *, EIF_INTEGER) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_tnwl (file: POINTER) -- Write a new_line to file external "C signature (FILE *) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readreal (file: POINTER): REAL_32 -- Read a real number from the console external "C blocking signature (FILE *): EIF_REAL use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readchar (file: POINTER): CHARACTER_8 -- Read a character from the console external "C blocking signature (FILE *): EIF_CHARACTER use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readint (file: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- Read an integer from the console external "C blocking signature (FILE *): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readdouble (file: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Read a double from the console external "C blocking signature (FILE *): EIF_DOUBLE use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readword (file: POINTER; a_string: POINTER; length, begin: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Read a string excluding white space and stripping -- leading white space from file into a_string. -- White space characters are: blank, new_line, -- tab, vertical tab, formfeed or end of file. -- If it does not fit, result is length - begin + 1, -- otherwise result is number of characters read. external "C blocking signature (FILE *, char *, EIF_INTEGER, EIF_INTEGER): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readline (file: POINTER; a_string: POINTER; length, begin: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Read a stream from the console external "C blocking signature (FILE *, char *, EIF_INTEGER, EIF_INTEGER): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_next_line (file: POINTER) -- Move to next input line on standard input. external "C blocking signature (FILE *) use %"eif_console.h%"" end console_readstream (file: POINTER; a_string: POINTER; length: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Read a stream from the console external "C blocking signature (FILE *, char *, EIF_INTEGER): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_console.h%"" end file_close (file: POINTER) -- Close file external "C signature (FILE *) use %"eif_console.h%"" alias "console_file_close" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class CONSOLE
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