note description: "[ Trees where each node has a fixed number of children. The number of children is arbitrary but cannot be changed once the node has been created. ]" library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." names: fixed_tree, tree, fixed_list representation: recursive, array access: cursor, membership contents: generic date: "$Date: 2018-12-15 18:06:16 +0000 (Sat, 15 Dec 2018) $" revision: "$Revision: 102608 $" class interface FIXED_TREE [G] create make, make_filled feature -- Access parent: detachable like Current -- Parent of current node. child_item: like item -- Item of active child. left_sibling: like parent -- Left neighbor, if any. right_sibling: like parent -- Right neighbor, if any. feature -- Status report child_contractable: BOOLEAN -- May items be removed? ensure Result = not child_off Full: BOOLEAN = True -- Is tree full? feature -- Element change child_put (v: like item) -- Replace current child item with v -- Was declared in FIXED_TREE as synonym of child_replace. child_replace (v: like item) -- Replace current child item with v -- Was declared in FIXED_TREE as synonym of child_put. put_left (v: like item) -- Add v to the left of current node. require is_not_root: not is_root has_left_sibling: left_sibling /= Void ensure item_put: attached left_sibling as l and then l.item = v put_right (v: like item) -- Add v to the right of current node. require is_not_root: not is_root has_right_sibling: right_sibling /= Void ensure item_put: attached right_sibling as r and then r.item = v put_child (n: like new_node) -- Make n the node's child. require else not_full: arity < capacity ensure then child_replaced: n.parent = Current replace_child (n: like new_node) -- Make n the node's child. ensure then child_replaced: n.parent = Current put_left_sibling (other: like new_node) -- Make other the left sibling of current node. require is_not_root: not is_root has_left_sibling: left_sibling /= Void ensure left_sibling_replaced: left_sibling = other put_right_sibling (other: like new_node) -- Make other the right sibling of current node. require is_not_root: not is_root has_right_sibling: right_sibling /= Void ensure right_sibling_replaced: right_sibling = other feature -- Removal remove_child -- Remove active child. ensure then child_removed: child = Void forget_left -- Forget all left siblings. forget_right -- Forget all right siblings. feature -- Redefinition child_capacity: INTEGER_32 -- Maximal number of children feature -- Access: chilldren child: like parent -- Current child node array_item (n: INTEGER_32): detachable like Current last_child: like first_child -- Right most child first_child: like parent -- Leftmost child search_child (v: like Current) arity: INTEGER_32 -- Number of children child_start -- Move cursor to first child. child_finish -- Move cursor to last child. child_forth -- Move cursor to next child. child_back -- Move cursor to previous child. child_go_i_th (i: INTEGER_32) -- Move cursor to i-th child. child_index: INTEGER_32 -- Index of current child child_off: BOOLEAN -- Is there no current child? child_after: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid child position to the right of cursor? child_before: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid child position to the left of cursor? child_cursor: CURSOR -- Current cursor position child_go_to (p: CURSOR) -- Move cursor to position p. index_of (v: like Current; i: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 prune (n: like new_node) -- Remove n from the children. wipe_out -- Remove all children. put_i_th (v: like Current; n: INTEGER_32) capacity: INTEGER_32 note ca_ignore: "CA024", "CA024: use an across loop instead of a regular one" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class FIXED_TREE
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