	description: "Convertor to do hexadecimal string to integer/natural conversion"
	library: "Free implementation of ELKS library"
	status: "See notice at end of class."
	legal: "See notice at end of class."
	date: "$Date: 2017-03-23 20:46:07 +0000 (Thu, 23 Mar 2017) $"
	revision: "$Revision: 100037 $"

frozen class interface


feature -- Status Reporting

	separators_valid (separators: STRING_8): BOOLEAN
			-- Are separators valid?

	overflowed: BOOLEAN
			-- Is integer parsed so far overflowed?

	underflowed: BOOLEAN
			-- Is integer parsed so far underflowed?

	parse_successful: BOOLEAN
			-- This only means we didn't enter an invalid state when parsing,
			-- it doesn't mean that we have got an valid integer.
			-- You need to check is_integral_integer or is_part_of_integer.
feature -- Reset

	reset (type: INTEGER_32)
			-- Reset this convertor to start a new parse session
			-- and get ready for parsing integer of type.
			-- Always call this feature before every new parse session.
			-- See NUMERIC_INFORMATION for more information about type.
feature -- Parse

	parse_string_with_type (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; type: INTEGER_32)
			-- reset convertor to start a new parse session and
			-- parse s to see if it is a number of type.
			-- Make result available in overflowed, underflowed and parse_successful.
			-- See NUMERIC_INFORMATION for more information about type.
			-- (Case insensitive) Hexadecimal prefixes can be '0x' or '&#x'.

	parse_character (c: CHARACTER_8)
			-- Parse c in current parse session.
			-- Make result available in overflowed, underflowed and parse_successful.			
feature -- Status Report

	conversion_type_valid (type: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN
			-- If conversion type valid?

	is_part_of_integer: BOOLEAN
			-- Is character sequence that has been parsed so far a valid start part of an integer?

	is_integral_integer: BOOLEAN
			-- Is character sequence that has been parsed so far a valid integral integer?

	parsed_integer_8: INTEGER_8
			-- INTEGER_8 representation of parsed string.

	parsed_integer_16: INTEGER_16
			-- INTEGER_16 representation of parsed string.

	parsed_integer_32: INTEGER_32
			-- INTEGER representation of parsed string.
			-- Was declared in HEXADECIMAL_STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTER as synonym of parsed_integer.

	parsed_integer: INTEGER_32
			-- INTEGER representation of parsed string.
			-- Was declared in HEXADECIMAL_STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTER as synonym of parsed_integer_32.

	parsed_integer_64: INTEGER_64
			-- INTEGER_64 representation of parsed string.

	parsed_natural_8: NATURAL_8
			-- NATURAL_8 representation of parsed string.

	parsed_natural_16: NATURAL_16
			-- NATURAL_16 representation of parsed string.

	parsed_natural_32: NATURAL_32
			-- NATURAL_32 representation of parsed string.
			-- Was declared in HEXADECIMAL_STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTER as synonym of parsed_natural.

	parsed_natural: NATURAL_32
			-- NATURAL_32 representation of parsed string.
			-- Was declared in HEXADECIMAL_STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTER as synonym of parsed_natural_32.

	parsed_natural_64: NATURAL_64
			-- NATURAL_64 representation of parsed string.
	copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others"
	license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see"
	source: "[
		Eiffel Software
		5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA
		Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869
		Customer support


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