	description: "Files, viewed as persistent sequences of bytes"
	library: "Free implementation of ELKS library"
	status: "See notice at end of class."
	legal: "See notice at end of class."
	date: "$Date: 2020-05-28 16:02:59 +0000 (Thu, 28 May 2020) $"
	revision: "$Revision: 104378 $"

class interface


feature -- Status report

	Support_storable: BOOLEAN = True
			-- Can medium be used to an Eiffel structure?
feature -- Output

	put_integer (i: INTEGER_32)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of putint and put_integer_32.

	putint (i: INTEGER_32)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_integer and put_integer_32.

	put_integer_32 (i: INTEGER_32)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_integer and putint.

	put_integer_8 (i: INTEGER_8)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.

	put_integer_16 (i: INTEGER_16)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.

	put_integer_64 (i: INTEGER_64)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.

	put_natural_8 (i: NATURAL_8)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.

	put_natural_16 (i: NATURAL_16)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.

	put_natural (i: NATURAL_32)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_natural_32.

	put_natural_32 (i: NATURAL_32)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_natural.

	put_natural_64 (i: NATURAL_64)
			-- Write binary value of i at current position.

	put_boolean (b: BOOLEAN)
			-- Write binary value of b at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of putbool.

	putbool (b: BOOLEAN)
			-- Write binary value of b at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_boolean.

	put_real (r: REAL_32)
			-- Write binary value of r at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of putreal and put_real_32.

	putreal (r: REAL_32)
			-- Write binary value of r at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_real and put_real_32.

	put_real_32 (r: REAL_32)
			-- Write binary value of r at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_real and putreal.

	put_double (d: REAL_64)
			-- Write binary value d at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of putdouble and put_real_64.

	putdouble (d: REAL_64)
			-- Write binary value d at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_double and put_real_64.

	put_real_64 (d: REAL_64)
			-- Write binary value d at current position.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of put_double and putdouble.
feature -- Input

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 32-bit integer
			-- from file. Make result available in last_integer.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of readint and read_integer_32.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 32-bit integer
			-- from file. Make result available in last_integer.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_integer and read_integer_32.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 32-bit integer
			-- from file. Make result available in last_integer.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_integer and readint.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 8-bit integer
			-- from file. Make result available in last_integer_8.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 16-bit integer
			-- from file. Make result available in last_integer_16.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 64-bit integer
			-- from file. Make result available in last_integer_64.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 8-bit natural
			-- from file. Make result available in last_natural_8.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 16-bit natural
			-- from file. Make result available in last_natural_16.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 32-bit natural
			-- from file. Make result available in last_natural.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_natural_32.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 32-bit natural
			-- from file. Make result available in last_natural.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_natural.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new 64-bit natural
			-- from file. Make result available in last_natural_64.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new real
			-- from file. Make result available in last_real.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of readreal and read_real_32.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new real
			-- from file. Make result available in last_real.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_real and read_real_32.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new real
			-- from file. Make result available in last_real.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_real and readreal.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new double
			-- from file. Make result available in last_double.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of readdouble and read_real_64.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new double
			-- from file. Make result available in last_double.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_double and read_real_64.

			-- Read the binary representation of a new double
			-- from file. Make result available in last_double.
			-- Was declared in RAW_FILE as synonym of read_double and readdouble.

	read_to_managed_pointer (p: MANAGED_POINTER; start_pos, nb_bytes: INTEGER_32)
			-- Read at most nb_bytes bound bytes and make result
			-- available in p at position start_pos.

	read_to_string (a_string: STRING_8; pos, nb: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32
			-- Fill a_string, starting at position pos with at
			-- most nb characters read from current file.
			-- Return the number of characters actually read.
	not_plain_text: not is_plain_text

	copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others"
	license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see"
	source: "[
		Eiffel Software
		5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA
		Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869
		Customer support

end -- class RAW_FILE

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