note description: "Representation of a RGBA color. Not for use with SDL. For SDL, use SDL_COLOR." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 02:40:10 +0000" revision: "2.0" class GAME_COLOR inherit GAME_COLOR_READABLE redefine make, red, green, blue, alpha end create make, make_rgb, make_from_hexadecimal, make_rgb_from_hexadecimal, make_from_other feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_red, a_green, a_blue, a_alpha: NATURAL_8) -- Initialization for Current using a_red, a_green, a_blue as primary color intensity and a_alpha as opacity intensity. -- For primary color intensity, 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity -- For opacity intensity, 0=transparent and 255=opaque do set_red (a_red) set_green (a_green) set_blue (a_blue) set_alpha (a_alpha) end feature -- Access red: NATURAL_8 assign set_red -- Red intensity of the color -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity do Result := Precursor end green: NATURAL_8 assign set_green -- Green intensity of the color -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity do Result := Precursor end blue: NATURAL_8 assign set_blue -- Blue intensity of the color -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity do Result := Precursor end alpha: NATURAL_8 assign set_alpha -- The opacity (aplha channel) intensity -- 0=transparent and 255=opaque do Result := Precursor end set_red (a_red: NATURAL_8) -- Assign the red intensity to a_red. -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity do red_internal := a_red ensure set_red_is_set: red = a_red set_red_blue_unchange: blue = old blue set_red_green_unchange: green = old green set_red_alpha_unchange: alpha = old alpha end set_green (a_green: NATURAL_8) -- Assign the green intensity to a_green. -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity do green_internal := a_green ensure set_green_is_set: green = a_green set_green_blue_unchange: blue = old blue set_green_red_unchange: red = old red set_green_alpha_unchange: alpha = old alpha end set_blue (a_blue: NATURAL_8) -- Assign the blue intensity to a_blue. -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity do blue_internal := a_blue ensure set_blue_is_set: blue = a_blue set_blue_red_unchange: red = old red set_blue_green_unchange: green = old green set_blue_alpha_unchange: alpha = old alpha end set_alpha (a_alpha: NATURAL_8) -- Assign the alpha (opacity) intensity to a_alpha. -- 0=no intensity and 255=maximum intensity -- 0=transparent and 255=opaque do alpha_internal := a_alpha ensure set_alpha_is_set: alpha = a_alpha set_alpha_red_unchange: red = old red set_alpha_green_unchange: green = old green set_alpha_blue_unchange: blue = old blue end end -- class GAME_COLOR
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