note description: "A image from a bmp image." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 02:40:10 +0000" revision: "2.0" class GAME_IMAGE_BMP_FILE inherit GAME_IMAGE redefine is_openable, open end create make feature {NONE} -- Implementation make (a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- make Current from the BMP image file filename. do default_create filename := a_filename end feature -- Access is_openable: BOOLEAN -- Can Current be open local l_file: RAW_FILE do create l_file.make_with_name (filename) Result := l_file.exists and l_file.is_readable end open -- Open Current local l_image_pointer: POINTER l_filename_c: C_STRING do create l_filename_c.make (filename) clear_error l_image_pointer := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_loadbmp (l_filename_c.item) if l_image_pointer.is_default_pointer then manage_error_pointer (l_image_pointer, "Error while loading BMP file.") has_ressource_error := True else own_from_pointer (l_image_pointer) end has_ressource_error := has_error is_open := not has_error end filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- The name of the file to open end -- class GAME_IMAGE_BMP_FILE
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