	description: "Common status report methods for types that hold a modifier value"
	author: "Louis Marchand"

deferred class interface

feature -- Access

	has_none: BOOLEAN
			-- No modifier has been use with the key

	has_left_shift: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the left shift modifier

	has_right_shift: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the right shift modifier

	has_left_ctrl: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the left ctrl modifier

	has_right_ctrl: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the right ctrl modifier

	has_left_alt: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the left alt modifier

	has_right_alt: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the right alt modifier

	has_left_gui: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the left GUI (Windows key) modifier

	has_right_gui: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the right GUI (Windows key) modifier

	has_num_lock: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the num luck modifier

	has_caps_lock: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the caps luck modifier

	has_alt_gr: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the AltGr modifier

	has_ctrl: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the ctrl modifier

	has_shift: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the shift modifier

	has_alt: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the alt modifier

	has_gui: BOOLEAN
			-- The key has the gui (Windows key) modifier
feature -- Implementation

	modifier: NATURAL_16
			-- The internal identificator of the modifiers pressed
end -- class GAME_KEY_MODIFIER

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