	description: "An image from a custom package file."
	author: "Louis Marchand"
	date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 03:46:04 +0000"
	revision: "2.0"

class interface


feature -- Access

	is_cur: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support BMP format and the file is a valid CUR file.

	is_ico: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support BMP format and the file is a valid ICO file.

	is_bmp: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support BMP format and the file is a valid BMP file.

	is_pnm: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support PNM format and the file is a valid PNM file.

	is_xpm: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support XPM format and the file is a valid XPM file.

	is_xcf: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support XCF format and the file is a valid XCF file.

	is_pcx: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support PCX format and the file is a valid PCX file.

	is_gif: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support GIF format and the file is a valid GIF file.

	is_jpg: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support JPG format and the file is a valid JPG file.

	is_tif: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support TIF format and the file is a valid TIF file.

	is_png: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support PNG format and the file is a valid PNG file.

	is_lbm: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support LBM format and the file is a valid LBM file.

	is_xv: BOOLEAN
			-- The internal library support XV format and the file is a valid XV file.

			-- Open Current
end -- class IMG_IMAGE_CPF

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