note description: "External of the SDL_image library." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 03:46:04 +0000" revision: "2.0" class IMG_SDL_IMAGE_EXTERNAL create default_create feature -- Fonction SDL_image frozen img_load_rw (rwop: POINTER; free: INTEGER_32): POINTER external "C (SDL_RWops *,int):SDL_Surface * | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_Load_RW" end frozen img_geterror: POINTER external "C :char * | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_GetError" end frozen img_init (flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 external "C (int):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_Init" end frozen img_quit external "C | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_Quit" end frozen img_iscur (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isCUR" end frozen img_isico (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isICO" end frozen img_isbmp (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isBMP" end frozen img_ispnm (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isPNM" end frozen img_isxpm (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isXPM" end frozen img_isxcf (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isXCF" end frozen img_ispcx (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isPCX" end frozen img_isgif (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isGIF" end frozen img_isjpg (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isJPG" end frozen img_istif (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isTIF" end frozen img_ispng (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isPNG" end frozen img_islbm (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isLBM" end frozen img_isxv (src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 external "C (SDL_RWops *):int | %"SDL_image.h%"" alias "IMG_isXV" end feature -- Constants SDL_Image frozen img_init_jpg: INTEGER_32 external "C [macro <SDL_image.h>] : int" alias "IMG_INIT_JPG" end frozen img_init_png: INTEGER_32 external "C [macro <SDL_image.h>] : int" alias "IMG_INIT_PNG" end frozen img_init_tif: INTEGER_32 external "C [macro <SDL_image.h>] : int" alias "IMG_INIT_TIF" end end -- class IMG_SDL_IMAGE_EXTERNAL
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