	description: "External C function."
	author: "Louis Marchand"
	date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 04:11:03 +0000"
	revision: "2.0"

class interface


feature -- Usefull functions

	frozen natural_32_to_real_32 (i: NATURAL_32): REAL_32
			-- The REAL_32 representation of the internal memory value of a NATURAL_32 i

	frozen natural_64_to_real_64 (i: NATURAL_64): REAL_64
			-- The REAL_64 representation of the internal memory value of a NATURAL_64 i

	frozen real_32_to_natural_32 (i: REAL_32): NATURAL_32
			-- The NATURAL_64 representation of the internal memory value of a REAL_64 i

	frozen real_64_to_natural_64 (i: REAL_64): NATURAL_64
			-- The NATURAL_64 representation of the internal memory value of a REAL_64 i
end -- class SHARED_EXTERNAL

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