note description: "[ Condition variables allow threads to synchronize based on the content of a shared data, whereas mutexes only synchronize access to the data. In other words, a condition variable is a synchronization object that enables threads to wait until a particular condition occurs. When a thread executes a wait call on a condition variable, it must hold an associated mutex (used for checking that condition). Then, it is immediately suspended and put into the waiting queue. The thread is suspended and is waiting for the condition to occur. Eventually, when the condition has occurred, a thread will signal it. Two possible scenarios: - if there are threads waiting, then one of the waiting thread will resume its execution and will get the mutex in a locked state. - if there are no threads waiting, nothing is done For the simple usage of a condition variable, it is very similar to using a semaphore. In addition you have broadcast that will resume all waiting threads at once, and wait_with_timeout that will wait only a certain amount of time before abandonning the wait. The signal and broadcast routines can be called by a thread whether or not it currently owns the mutex that threads calling wait or wait_with_timeout have associated with the condition variable during their waits. If, however, predictable scheduling behavior is required, then that mutex should be locked by the thread prior to calling signal or broadcast. Assuming shared_data an INTEGER initially set to zero, then a typical usage of condition variable to wait until shared_data becomes one, could be written as followed in thread A: mutex.lock from until shared_data = 1 loop condition_variable.wait (mutex) end mutex.unlock and in thread B: mutex.lock shared_data := 1 condition_variable.signal mutex.unlock Thread A will be blocked until thread B signal that now shared_data is 1. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date: 2017-05-25 15:02:28 +0000 (Thu, 25 May 2017) $" revision: "$Revision: 100436 $" class interface CONDITION_VARIABLE create make feature -- Access is_set: BOOLEAN -- Is condition variable initialized? feature -- Status setting signal -- Unblock one thread blocked on the current condition variable. require is_set: is_set broadcast -- Unblock all threads blocked on the current condition variable. require is_set: is_set wait (a_mutex: MUTEX) -- Block calling thread on current condition variable. require is_set: is_set a_mutex_not_void: a_mutex /= Void wait_with_timeout (a_mutex: MUTEX; a_timeout_ms: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- Block calling thread on current condition variable for at most a_timeout milliseconds. -- Return True is we got the condition variable on time, otherwise return False require is_set: is_set a_mutex_not_void: a_mutex /= Void timeout_positive: a_timeout_ms >= 0 destroy -- Destroy condition variable. require is_set: is_set ensure not_set: not is_set feature -- Removal dispose -- Called by the garbage collector when the condition -- variable is collected. note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class CONDITION_VARIABLE
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