note description: "Tools to capture audio from a capturing audio device" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Thu, 15 Jun 2017 19:17:55 +0000" revision: "0.1" class AUDIO_CAPTURE_CONTROLLER inherit AUDIO_OPENAL_ERROR_MANAGER redefine read_alc_error end create {AUDIO_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER} make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_device: POINTER; a_frequency, a_channel_count, a_bits_per_sample, a_buffer_count: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization of Current using a_device as device, a_frequency as frequency -- a_channel_count as channel_count and a_bits_per_sample as bits_per_sample and a_buffer_count to initialize buffer -- and buffer_sample_count require device_valid: not a_device.is_default_pointer channel_valid: a_channel_count >= 1 and a_channel_count <= 2 bits_per_sample_valid: a_bits_per_sample ~ 8 or a_bits_per_sample ~ 16 frequency_valid: a_frequency > 0 do device := a_device channel_count := a_channel_count frequency := a_frequency bits_per_sample := a_bits_per_sample buffer_sample_count := a_buffer_count create buffer.make (a_buffer_count * a_channel_count * (a_bits_per_sample // 8)) is_device_closed := False is_capturing := False has_samples := False is_updating := False end feature -- Access is_capturing: BOOLEAN -- Current is presently capturing sound is_device_closed: BOOLEAN -- The capturing device id closed channel_count: INTEGER_32 -- The channel number of Current (1=mono, 2=stereo, etc.). frequency: INTEGER_32 -- The frequency (sample rate) of Current. bits_per_sample: INTEGER_32 -- The bit resolution of one frame of Current (without channel count). buffer_sample_count: INTEGER_32 -- The number of samples that the buffer will be able to contain (for example, -- a stereo 16 bits capture with a buffer count of 1024 will have the size 1024*2*2 = 5096 bytes) buffer: MANAGED_POINTER -- The data that has been read by update start_capture -- Strart the capture (use update to fill the buffer) require device_open: not is_device_closed not_already_started: not is_capturing do clear_alc_error (device) {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.alc_capture_start (device) read_alc_error (device, "Cannot start capture.") is_capturing := not has_error ensure capture_started: not has_error implies is_capturing end stop_capture -- Stop the capture require device_open: not is_device_closed not_already_stopped: is_capturing do clear_alc_error (device) {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.alc_capture_stop (device) read_alc_error (device, "Cannot stop capture.") is_capturing := False ensure captue_stopped: not is_capturing end update -- Update a_buffer with the new value of the capture require device_open: not is_device_closed is_capturing: is_capturing do is_updating := True clear_alc_error (device) {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.alc_capture_samples (device, buffer.item, buffer_sample_count) has_samples := True read_alc_error (device, "Cannot capture samples.") is_updating := False end has_samples: BOOLEAN -- Samples has been found by the last call to update get_sample (a_index: INTEGER_32): LIST [INTEGER_16] -- Get the sample at the position a_index in the buffer (start at 1). -- The number of value in Result represent the channel_count -- If bits_per_sample is 8, the values are unsigned from 0 to 255 with 128 being an ouput level of 0 -- If bits_per_sample is 16, the values are signed from -32768 to 32767 with 0 being an ouput level of 0 require index_valid: a_index >= 1 and a_index <= buffer_sample_count local l_index: INTEGER_32 do create {ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER_16]} Result.make (channel_count) l_index := (a_index - 1) * channel_count if bits_per_sample ~ 16 then across l_index |..| (l_index + channel_count - 1) as la_index loop Result.extend (buffer.read_integer_16 (la_index.item)) end else across l_index |..| (l_index + channel_count - 1) as la_index loop Result.extend (buffer.read_natural_8 (la_index.item).to_integer_16) end end ensure sample_count_valid: Result.count ~ channel_count end feature {AUDIO_ANY} -- Implementation device: POINTER -- Internal representation of the capture device feature {AUDIO_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER} -- Implementation close_device -- Called when the AUDIO_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER close the capture device. do if is_capturing then stop_capture end is_device_closed := True end feature {NONE} -- Implementation null: POINTER -- A NULL C pointer is_updating: BOOLEAN -- An update presently in progress read_alc_error (a_device: POINTER; a_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Read the next OpenAL error do last_al_error_code := {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.al_no_error last_alc_error_code := {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.alc_get_error (a_device) if is_updating and last_alc_error_code = {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.alc_invalid_value then has_samples := False else has_error := last_alc_error_code /= {AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.alc_no_error if has_error and Print_on_error_internal.item then Io.Error.put_string (a_message.to_string_8 + "%N"); Io.Error.put_string (last_error.to_string_8 + "%N") end end end invariant buffer_count_valid: buffer.count ~ buffer_sample_count * channel_count * (bits_per_sample // 8) end -- class AUDIO_CAPTURE_CONTROLLER
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