note description: "Class that holds information for a sound and fills a buffer to play it." author: "Émilio G!" adaptation: "Louis Marchand" date: "Tue, 21 Feb 2017 00:15:23 +0000" revision: "1.0" legal: "See notice at end of class." class interface AUDIO_SOUND_CUSTOM create make, make_from_other feature buffer_index: INTEGER_32 --usefull in fill_buffer sound_data: MANAGED_POINTER --data that is readable by the library sound_length: INTEGER_32 --length in samples Channel_count: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Get the channel number of Current (1=mono, 2=stereo, etc.). Frequency: INTEGER_32 = 44100 -- in samples per second Bits_per_sample: INTEGER_32 = 16 -- Get the bit resolution of one frame of Current. Is_signed: BOOLEAN = True -- is sound_data signed byte_per_buffer_sample: INTEGER_32 -- equals to number_of_channels * (bits_per_sample // 8) Is_seekable: BOOLEAN = False -- Useless in this class, but needed to inherit from AUDIO_SOUND restart --sets buffer_index to 0 so the sound plays normally when prompted again Is_openable: BOOLEAN = True -- Can Current be open open --nothing. This is actually useless but necessary to inherit from AUDIO_SOUND. close -- Stop the management of the stream sample_seek (a_frame_number: INTEGER_64) -- Seek at the frame a_frame_number from the beginning of Current -- Seek at the frame a_frame_number from the beginning of Current sample_position: INTEGER_64 -- The number of frames since the beginning of Current require else can_position: True sample_count: INTEGER_64 -- The total number of frames in Current require else can_position: True invariant buffer_index_not_retarded: 0 <= buffer_index and buffer_index <= sound_length * byte_per_buffer_sample buffer_index_even: buffer_index \\ 2 = 0 note license: "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 | Copyright (c) 2016 Émilio Gonzalez and Guillaume Jean" source: "[url:]" end -- class AUDIO_SOUND_CUSTOM
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