class AUDIO_SOUND_CUSTOM General cluster: audio_3d description: "Class that holds information for a sound and fills a buffer to play it." create: make, make_from_other Ancestors AUDIO_SOUND* Queries Bits_per_sample: INTEGER_32 buffer_index: INTEGER_32 byte_per_buffer_sample: INTEGER_32 Channel_count: INTEGER_32 Frequency: INTEGER_32 has_error: BOOLEAN has_ressource_error: BOOLEAN is_finished: BOOLEAN is_open: BOOLEAN Is_openable: BOOLEAN Is_seekable: BOOLEAN Is_signed: BOOLEAN last_error: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL sample_count: INTEGER_64 sample_position: INTEGER_64 sound_data: MANAGED_POINTER sound_length: INTEGER_32 time_count: INTEGER_64 time_position: INTEGER_64 Commands close open restart sample_seek (a_frame_number: INTEGER_64) time_seek (a_milliseconds: INTEGER_64) Constraints buffer index not retarded buffer index even
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