note description: "A sound to be played by an audio source." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Tue, 21 Feb 2017 00:15:23 +0000" revision: "2.1" deferred class interface AUDIO_SOUND feature --Access close -- Stop the management of the stream require sound_is_open: is_open ensure sound_is_closed: not is_open channel_count: INTEGER_32 -- Get the channel number of Current (1=mono, 2=stereo, etc.). require sound_is_open: is_open frequency: INTEGER_32 -- Get the frequency (sample rate) of Current. require sound_is_open: is_open bits_per_sample: INTEGER_32 -- Get the bit resolution of one frame of Current. require sound_is_open: is_open is_signed: BOOLEAN -- True if the frames in the buffer are signed. require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: BOOLEAN -- Return true if Current support the seek functionnality. require sound_is_open: is_open restart -- Restart Current to the beginning. require sound_is_open: is_open sample_seek (a_frame_number: INTEGER_64) -- Seek at the frame a_frame_number from the beginning of Current require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: is_seekable is_seek_inside: a_frame_number >= 1 and a_frame_number <= sample_count time_seek (a_milliseconds: INTEGER_64) -- Seek at a_milliseconds from the beginning of Current require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: is_seekable is_seek_inside: a_milliseconds >= 1 and a_milliseconds <= time_count sample_position: INTEGER_64 -- The number of frames since the beginning of Current require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: is_seekable time_position: INTEGER_64 -- The number of milliseconds since the beginning of Current require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: is_seekable sample_count: INTEGER_64 -- The total number of frames in Current require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: is_seekable time_count: INTEGER_64 -- The total number of milliseconds in Current require sound_is_open: is_open is_seekable: is_seekable is_finished: BOOLEAN -- Current has finished it's playback invariant errors_valid: has_error ~ has_ressource_error end -- class AUDIO_SOUND
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