note description: "[ Binary search trees; left child item is less than current item, right child item is greater ]" library: "Free implementation of ELKS library" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." names: binary_search_tree, tree representation: recursive, array access: cursor, membership contents: generic date: "$Date: 2018-11-14 15:15:17 +0000 (Wed, 14 Nov 2018) $" revision: "$Revision: 102463 $" class BINARY_SEARCH_TREE [G -> COMPARABLE] inherit BINARY_TREE [G] rename make as bt_make, put as bt_put export {BINARY_SEARCH_TREE} put_left_child, put_right_child, remove_left_child, remove_right_child redefine parent, has end create make create {BINARY_SEARCH_TREE} bt_make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (v: like item) -- Create single node with item v. require v_not_void: v /= Void do bt_make (v) ensure item_set: item = v is_root: is_root is_leaf: is_leaf end feature -- Access parent: detachable BINARY_SEARCH_TREE [G] -- Parent of current node has (v: like item): BOOLEAN -- Does tree contain a node whose item -- is equal to v (object comparison)? local c: like left_child i: like item do if v /= Void then if items_equal (item, v) then Result := True else i := item if i /= Void then if v < i then c := left_child else c := right_child end if c /= Void then set_comparison_mode (c) Result := c.has (v) end end end end end tree_item (v: like item): detachable like Current -- Node whose item is equal to v (object_comparison) -- otherwise default value. require v_not_void: v /= Void local c: like left_child i: like item do if items_equal (item, v) then Result := Current else i := item if i /= Void then if v < i then c := left_child if c /= Void then set_comparison_mode (c) Result := c.tree_item (v) end else c := right_child if c /= Void then set_comparison_mode (c) Result := c.tree_item (v) end end end end end feature -- Measurement min: like item -- Minimum item in tree local l: like left_child do l := left_child if l /= Void then Result := l.min else Result := item end ensure minimum_present: has (Result) end max: like item -- Maximum item in tree local r: like right_child do r := right_child if r /= Void then Result := r.max else Result := item end ensure maximum_present: has (Result) end feature -- Status report sorted: BOOLEAN -- Is tree sorted? local c: like left_child do Result := True if (has_left and then left_item > item) or (has_right and then right_item < item) then Result := False else c := left_child if c /= Void then Result := c.sorted_and_less (item) end c := right_child if c /= Void and Result then Result := c.sorted end end end sorted_and_less (i: like item): BOOLEAN -- Is tree sorted and all its elements less then i local c: like left_child do Result := True if (has_left and then left_item > item) or (has_right and then right_item < item) then Result := False else c := left_child if c /= Void then Result := c.sorted_and_less (item) end c := right_child if c /= Void and Result then Result := c.sorted_and_less (i) end end end feature -- Cursor movement node_action (v: like item) -- Operation on node item, -- to be defined by descendant classes. -- Here it is defined as an empty operation. -- Redefine this procedure in descendant classes if useful -- operations are to be performed during traversals. do end preorder -- Apply node_action to every node's item -- in tree, using pre-order. local c: like left_child do node_action (item) c := left_child if c /= Void then c.preorder end c := right_child if c /= Void then c.preorder end end i_infix -- Apply node_action to every node's item -- in tree, using infix order. local c: like left_child do c := left_child if c /= Void then c.i_infix end node_action (item) c := right_child if c /= Void then c.i_infix end end postorder -- Apply node_action to every node's item -- in tree, using post-order. local c: like left_child do c := left_child if c /= Void then c.postorder end c := right_child if c /= Void then c.postorder end node_action (item) end feature -- Element change put (v: like item) -- Put v at proper position in tree -- (unless v exists already). -- (Reference or object equality, -- based on object_comparison.) -- Was declared in BINARY_SEARCH_TREE as synonym of extend. require new_item_exists: v /= Void local c: like left_child i: like item do if not items_equal (v, item) then i := item if i /= Void and then v < i then c := left_child if c = Void then create c.make (item) if object_comparison then c.compare_objects end put_left_child (c); c.replace (v) else c.put (v) end else c := right_child if c = Void then create c.make (item) if object_comparison then c.compare_objects end put_right_child (c); c.replace (v) else c.put (v) end end end ensure item_inserted: has (v) end extend (v: like item) -- Put v at proper position in tree -- (unless v exists already). -- (Reference or object equality, -- based on object_comparison.) -- Was declared in BINARY_SEARCH_TREE as synonym of put. require new_item_exists: v /= Void local c: like left_child i: like item do if not items_equal (v, item) then i := item if i /= Void and then v < i then c := left_child if c = Void then create c.make (item) if object_comparison then c.compare_objects end put_left_child (c); c.replace (v) else c.put (v) end else c := right_child if c = Void then create c.make (item) if object_comparison then c.compare_objects end put_right_child (c); c.replace (v) else c.put (v) end end end ensure item_inserted: has (v) end feature -- Transformation sort -- Sort tree. local seq: LINEAR [G] temp: SPECIAL [G] heap: HEAP_PRIORITY_QUEUE [G] i: INTEGER_32 do seq := linear_representation i := count remove_left_child remove_right_child from seq.start create heap.make (i) until loop heap.put (seq.item); seq.forth end from create temp.make_empty (heap.count) until heap.is_empty loop temp.extend (heap.item); heap.remove end replace (temp.item (temp.count // 2)) fill_from_sorted_special (temp, 0, temp.upper) ensure is_sorted: sorted end feature {BINARY_SEARCH_TREE, BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_SET} -- Implementation is_subset (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is Current a subset of other local c: like left_child do Result := other.has (item) if Result then c := left_child if c /= Void then Result := c.is_subset (other) end end if Result then c := right_child if c /= Void then Result := c.is_subset (other) end end end intersect (other: BINARY_SEARCH_TREE [G]) -- Remove all items not in other. local c: like left_child do c := right_child if c /= Void then c.intersect (other) end c := left_child if c /= Void then c.intersect (other) end if not other.has (item) then remove_node end end subtract (other: BINARY_SEARCH_TREE [G]) -- Remove all items also in other. require set_exists: other /= Void local c: like left_child do c := right_child if c /= Void then c.subtract (other) end c := left_child if c /= Void then c.subtract (other) end if other.has (item) then remove_node end end merge (other: like Current) -- Add all items of other. local c: like left_child do c := other.right_child if c /= Void then merge (c) end c := other.left_child if c /= Void then merge (c) end extend (other.item) end remove_node -- Remove current node from the tree. require is_not_root: not is_root local is_left_child: BOOLEAN m: like Current p: like parent c: like left_child do p := parent if p /= Void then is_left_child := Current = p.left_child c := right_child if c = Void then c := left_child if c /= Void then c.attach_to_parent (Void) end if is_left_child then p.put_left_child (c) else p.put_right_child (c) end parent := Void elseif not has_left then c.attach_to_parent (Void) if is_left_child then p.put_left_child (c) else p.put_right_child (c) end parent := Void else m := c.min_node; m.remove_node item := m.item end end end pruned (v: like item; par: detachable like Current): detachable like Current -- Prune v. -- (par is the parent node of the current node, needed to update -- parent correctly.) local m: like Current c: like left_child do if items_equal (item, v) then if has_none then else Result := right_child if Result = Void then Result := left_child if Result /= Void then Result.attach_to_parent (par) end elseif not has_left then Result.attach_to_parent (par) else c := Result check result_is_right_child: c = right_child end m := c.min_node; m.remove_node item := m.item Result := Current end end else Result := Current if v < item then c := left_child if c /= Void then left_child := c.pruned (v, Current) end else c := right_child if c /= Void then right_child := c.pruned (v, Current) end end end end min_node: like Current -- Node containing min local l: like left_child do l := left_child if l /= Void then Result := l.min_node else Result := Current end end max_node: like Current -- Node containing max local r: like right_child do r := right_child if r /= Void then Result := r.max_node else Result := Current end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation fill_from_sorted_special (t: SPECIAL [G]; s, e: INTEGER_32) -- Put values from t into tree in such an order that -- the tree will be balanced if t is sorted. local m: INTEGER_32 do m := (s + e) // 2 put (t.item (m)) if m - 1 >= s then fill_from_sorted_special (t, s, m - 1) end if m + 1 <= e then fill_from_sorted_special (t, m + 1, e) end end items_equal (src, dest: like item): BOOLEAN -- Are src and dest equal? -- (depending on object_comparison) do if object_comparison then Result := src ~ dest else Result := src = dest end end set_comparison_mode (t: like Current) -- Set comparison mode of t to the same mode as Current. require not_void: t /= Void do if object_comparison then t.compare_objects else t.compare_references end ensure mode_set: object_comparison = t.object_comparison end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class BINARY_SEARCH_TREE
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