class CLASS_NAME_TRANSLATIONS General cluster: elks description: "Translations of class names between a storing and a retrieving system. Values in this table are names of classes in the retrieving system, indexed by names of generating classes in the storing system (i.e. with no generic arguments). Values may have generic arguments (e.g. %"MY_CLASS [REAL_64]%"), thus allowing a very simple conversion of a non-generic class into a generic class. The presence of entries in this table affects all retrieve operations for objects stored using independent_store." create: default_create, make Ancestors HASH_TABLE [G, K -> detachable HASHABLE] Queries after: BOOLEAN at alias "@" (key: STRING_8): detachable STRING_8 capacity: INTEGER_32 changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN conflict: BOOLEAN count: INTEGER_32 current_keys: ARRAY [STRING_8] cursor: CURSOR definite_item (key: STRING_8): STRING_8 disjoint (other: HASH_TABLE [STRING_8, STRING_8]): BOOLEAN Extendible: BOOLEAN found: BOOLEAN found_item: detachable STRING_8 Full: BOOLEAN has (key: STRING_8): BOOLEAN has_item (v: STRING_8): BOOLEAN has_key (key: STRING_8): BOOLEAN hash_code_of (a_key: attached STRING_8): INTEGER_32 inserted: BOOLEAN is_empty: BOOLEAN is_equal (other: [like Current] CLASS_NAME_TRANSLATIONS): BOOLEAN is_inserted (v: STRING_8): BOOLEAN item alias "[]" (key: STRING_8): detachable STRING_8 item_for_iteration: STRING_8 iteration_item (i: INTEGER_32): STRING_8 iteration_lower: INTEGER_32 iteration_upper: INTEGER_32 key_for_iteration: STRING_8 linear_representation: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_8] Mismatch_information: MISMATCH_INFORMATION new_cursor: HASH_TABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR [STRING_8, STRING_8] not_found: BOOLEAN object_comparison: BOOLEAN occurrences (v: STRING_8): INTEGER_32 off: BOOLEAN out: STRING_8 prunable: BOOLEAN removed: BOOLEAN replaced: BOOLEAN same_keys (a_search_key, a_key: STRING_8): BOOLEAN valid_cursor (c: CURSOR): BOOLEAN valid_iteration_index (i: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN Commands accommodate (n: INTEGER_32) bag_put (v: STRING_8) collection_extend (v: STRING_8) compare_objects compare_references copy (other: [like Current] CLASS_NAME_TRANSLATIONS) correct_mismatch default_create extend (new, key: STRING_8) fill (other: CONTAINER [STRING_8]) force (new, key: STRING_8) forth go_to (c: CURSOR) make (n: INTEGER_32) make_equal (n: INTEGER_32) merge (other: HASH_TABLE [STRING_8, STRING_8]) prune (v: STRING_8) prune_all (v: STRING_8) put (new, key: STRING_8) remove (key: STRING_8) replace (new, key: STRING_8) replace_key (new_key, old_key: STRING_8) search (key: STRING_8) start wipe_out
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