note description: "[ Every high level events that are not attached to a specific component of the library (window, joystick, etc.) ]" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Sat, 28 Feb 2015 19:01:23 +0000" revision: "2.0" deferred class interface GAME_COMMON_EVENTS feature -- Access stop -- Put Current innactive. run -- Put Current active. clear -- Remove common library event. -- Note: does not clear other events like window events, joystick events, etc. To clear every events -- in the system, used GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER.clear_all_events. quit_signal_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32] -- When the application receive a quit signal. require quit_event_enabled: events_controller.is_quit_signal_event_enable iteration_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32] -- Called at each game loop joystick_found_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, GAME_JOYSTICK] -- Called when a new joystick has been founded -- Automatically added to GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER.joysticks require joystick_found_event_enabled: events_controller.is_joy_device_founded_event_enable joystick_remove_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, GAME_JOYSTICK] -- Called when a new joystick has been removed -- The joystick will be removed from GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER.joysticks after the -- calls of this feature. require joystick_remove_event_enabled: events_controller.is_joy_device_removed_event_enable file_dropped_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- Called when the file (or any other string) filename is drag and drop on a GAME_WINDOW. -- The event is not enabled by default. Use events_controller.enable_file_dropped_event to enable it. require joystick_found_event_enabled: events_controller.is_joy_device_founded_event_enable end -- class GAME_COMMON_EVENTS
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