note description: "[ Controler for the event. It is important to call poll_event or wait_event regularly if you want events to be launch. ]" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Sat, 28 Mar 2015 03:44:41 +0000" revision: "2.0" class interface GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER create {GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER} default_create -- Initialization of Current feature -- Initialization make -- Initialize current with given structure_size. -- (from MEMORY_STRUCTURE) ensure -- from MEMORY_STRUCTURE not_shared: not shared make_by_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) -- Initialize current with a_ptr. -- (from MEMORY_STRUCTURE) require -- from MEMORY_STRUCTURE a_ptr_not_null: a_ptr /= default_pointer ensure -- from MEMORY_STRUCTURE shared: shared feature -- Access C_memory: INTEGER_32 = 2 -- Code for the C memory managed -- by the garbage collector -- (from MEM_CONST) clear -- Remove every event in the system disable_dollar_gesture_event -- Ignore the dollar_gesture_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_dollar_gesture_event_enable disable_dollar_record_event -- Ignore the dollar_record_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_dollar_record_event_enable disable_every_joy_events -- Ignore every joystick events. -- Enabled by default ensure is_events_disabled: not (is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable or is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable or is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable or is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable or is_joy_button_released_event_enable or is_joy_device_founded_event_enable or is_joy_device_removed_event_enable) disable_file_dropped_event -- Ignore the file_dropped_actions event. -- Disable by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_file_dropped_event_enable disable_finger_motion_event -- Ignore the finger_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_finger_motion_event_enable disable_finger_released_event -- Ignore the finger_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_finger_released_event_enable disable_finger_touched_event -- Ignore the finger_touched_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_finger_touched_event_enable disable_fingers_gesture_event -- Ignore the fingers_gesture_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_fingers_gesture_event_enable disable_joy_axis_motion_event -- Ignore the joy_axis_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable disable_joy_ball_motion_event -- Ignore the joy_ball_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable disable_joy_button_pressed_event -- Ignore the joy_button_pressed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable disable_joy_button_released_event -- Ignore the joy_button_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_button_released_event_enable disable_joy_device_founded_event -- Ignore the joy_device_founded_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_device_founded_event_enable disable_joy_device_removed_event -- Ignore the joy_device_removed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_device_removed_event_enable disable_joy_hat_motion_event -- Ignore the joy_hat_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable disable_key_pressed_event -- Ignore the key_pressed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_key_pressed_event_enable disable_key_released_event -- Ignore the key_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_key_released_event_enable disable_mouse_button_pressed_event -- Ignore the mouse_button_pressed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable disable_mouse_button_released_event -- Ignore the mouse_button_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_mouse_button_released_event_enable disable_mouse_motion_event -- Ignore the mouse_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_mouse_motion_event_enable disable_mouse_wheel_event -- Ignore the mouse_wheel_move_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_mouse_wheel_event_enable disable_quit_signal_event -- Ignore the quit_signal_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_quit_signal_event_enable disable_window_event -- Ignore the window_event_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_disabled: not is_window_event_enable dollar_gesture_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_64, INTEGER_64, NATURAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32] -- When a $1 gesture has been recognize on the touch device touch_id. -- The gesture is uniquely identified by gesture_id. I use fingers_count fingers -- and is centered at (x,y) where x and y are normalized (between 0 and 1). -- The error indicate the difference between the current gesture and the template. dollar_record_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_64, INTEGER_64] -- When a $1 gesture has been recorded on the touch device touch_id. -- The gesture is uniquely identified by gesture_id. Eiffel_memory: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Code for the Eiffel memory managed -- by the garbage collector -- (from MEM_CONST) enable_dollar_gesture_event -- Process the dollar_gesture_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_dollar_gesture_event_enable enable_dollar_record_event -- Process the dollar_record_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_dollar_record_event_enable enable_every_joy_events -- Enable every joystick events. -- Enabled by default ensure is_events_enabled: is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable and is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable and is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable and is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable and is_joy_button_released_event_enable and is_joy_device_founded_event_enable and is_joy_device_removed_event_enable enable_file_dropped_event -- Process the file_dropped_actions event. -- Disable by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_file_dropped_event_enable enable_finger_motion_event -- Process the finger_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_finger_motion_event_enable enable_finger_released_event -- Process the finger_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_finger_released_event_enable enable_finger_touched_event -- Process the finger_touched_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_finger_touched_event_enable enable_fingers_gesture_event -- Process the fingers_gesture_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_fingers_gesture_event_enable enable_joy_axis_motion_event -- Process the joy_axis_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable enable_joy_ball_motion_event -- Process the joy_ball_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable enable_joy_button_pressed_event -- Process the joy_button_pressed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable enable_joy_button_released_event -- Process the joy_button_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_button_released_event_enable enable_joy_device_founded_event -- Process the joy_device_founded_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_device_founded_event_enable enable_joy_device_removed_event -- Process the joy_device_removed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_device_removed_event_enable enable_joy_hat_motion_event -- Process the joy_hat_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable enable_key_pressed_event -- Process the key_pressed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_key_pressed_event_enable enable_key_released_event -- Process the key_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_key_released_event_enable enable_mouse_button_pressed_event -- Process the mouse_button_pressed_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable enable_mouse_button_released_event -- Process the mouse_button_released_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_mouse_button_released_event_enable enable_mouse_motion_event -- Process the mouse_motion_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_mouse_motion_event_enable enable_mouse_wheel_event -- Process the mouse_wheel_move_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_mouse_wheel_event_enable enable_quit_signal_event -- Process the quit_signal_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_quit_signal_event_enable enable_window_event -- Process the window_event_actions event. -- Enabled by default ensure is_event_enabled: is_window_event_enable file_dropped_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- The file pointed by filename has been dropped on a window of the game. -- This event is disabled by default. use GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER.enable_file_dropped_event -- to activate it. finger_motion_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_64, INTEGER_64, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32] -- When a finger identified by finger_id in the touch device identified by -- touch_id has been moved to (x,y) with a certain pressure. The -- x_relative and y_relative indicate the move relative to the last -- call of the finger_motion_actions event. -- Note that x, y, x_relative, y_relative and pressure are normalize -- between 0 and 1. finger_released_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_64, INTEGER_64, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32] -- When a finger identified by finger_id in the touch device identified by -- touch_id has been released at (x,y) with a certain pressure. The -- x_relative and y_relative indicate the move relative to the last -- call of the finger_motion_actions event. -- Note that x, y, x_relative, y_relative and pressure are normalize -- between 0 and 1. finger_touched_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_64, INTEGER_64, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32] -- When a finger identified by finger_id in the touch device identified by -- touch_id has been pressed at (x,y) with a certain pressure. The -- x_relative and y_relative indicate the move relative to the last -- call of the finger_motion_actions event. -- Note that x, y, x_relative, y_relative and pressure are normalize -- between 0 and 1. fingers_gesture_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_64, NATURAL_16, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32, REAL_32] -- When a gesture has been made on the touch device identified by touch_id. -- The gesture has a certain fingers_count, is centered at (center_x, center_y). -- The fingers used a rotation of theta degree and have a distance of pinch. Full_collector: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Statistics for full collections -- (from MEM_CONST) game_library: detachable GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER -- The library controller used by Current generating_type: TYPE [detachable GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER] -- Type of current object -- (type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generating_type_not_void: Result /= Void generator: STRING_8 -- Name of current object's generating class -- (base class of the type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY generator_not_void: Result /= Void generator_not_empty: not Result.is_empty has_error: BOOLEAN -- Is the library has generate an error -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) Incremental_collector: INTEGER_32 = 1 -- Statistics for incremental collections -- (from MEM_CONST) is_any_joy_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_any_joy_event_enable -- Is there any joystick event that is enable -- Enabled by default is_dollar_gesture_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_dollar_gesture_event_enable -- Is the dollar_gesture_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_dollar_record_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_dollar_record_event_enable -- Is the dollar_record_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_file_dropped_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_file_dropped_event_enable -- Is the file_dropped_actions event has to be process. -- Disable by default is_finger_motion_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_finger_motion_event_enable -- Is the finger_motion_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_finger_released_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_finger_released_event_enable -- Is the finger_released_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_finger_touched_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_finger_touched_event_enable -- Is the finger_touched_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_fingers_gesture_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_fingers_gesture_event_enable -- Is the fingers_gesture_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable -- Is the joy_axis_motion_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable -- Is the joy_ball_motion_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable -- Is the joy_button_pressed_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_button_released_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_button_released_event_enable -- Is the joy_button_released_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_device_founded_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_device_founded_event_enable -- Is the joy_device_founded_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_device_removed_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_device_removed_event_enable -- Is the joy_device_removed_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable -- Is the joy_hat_motion_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_key_pressed_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_key_pressed_event_enable -- Is the key_pressed_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_key_released_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_key_released_event_enable -- Is the key_released_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable -- Is the mouse_button_pressed_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_mouse_button_released_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_mouse_button_released_event_enable -- Is the mouse_button_released_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_mouse_motion_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_mouse_motion_event_enable -- Is the mouse_motion_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_mouse_wheel_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_mouse_wheel_event_enable -- Is the mouse_wheel_move_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_quit_signal_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_quit_signal_event_enable -- Is the quit_signal_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_text_editing_event_enable: BOOLEAN -- Is the text_editing_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_text_input_event_enable: BOOLEAN -- Is the text_input_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default is_window_event_enable: BOOLEAN assign set_is_window_event_enable -- Is the window_event_actions event has to be process. -- Enabled by default item: POINTER -- Access to memory area. -- (from MEMORY_STRUCTURE) iteration_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32] -- Called at each game loop joy_axis_motion_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_16] -- When the axis identified by axis_id of the joystick identified by joystick_id has -- been moved to a certain value. joy_ball_motion_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_16, INTEGER_16] -- When the ball identified by ball_id of the joystick identified by joystick_id has -- been moved. The x_relative and y_relative indicate the move relative to the last -- call of the joy_ball_motion_actions event. joy_button_pressed_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_8] -- When the button identified by button_id of the joystick identified by joystick_id has -- been pressed. joy_button_released_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_8] -- When the button identified by button_id of the joystick identified by joystick_id has -- been released. joy_device_founded_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32] -- When a new joystick device identified by joystick_id has been founded. joy_device_removed_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32] -- When a new joystick device identified by joystick_id has been removed. joy_hat_motion_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_8, NATURAL_8] -- When the hat identified by hat_id of the joystick identified by joystick_id has -- been moved to a certain value. The value can be one of the following: -- SDL_HAT_LEFTUP -- SDL_HAT_UP -- SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP -- SDL_HAT_LEFT -- SDL_HAT_CENTERED -- SDL_HAT_RIGHT -- SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN -- SDL_HAT_DOWN -- SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN key_pressed_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_16] -- When a user presses a button on a keyboard. The current focused window -- is identified by window_id. repeat is non zero if the event is a key repeat. -- The key pressed has the physical code scancode, the virtual code keycode and -- has the current modifier (CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, etc.) in effect. key_released_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, NATURAL_16] -- When a user releases a button on a keyboard. The current focused window -- is identified by window_id. repeat is non zero if the event is a key repeat. -- The key released has the physical code scancode, the virtual code keycode and -- has the current modifier (CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, etc.) in effect. last_error: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- The last error generate by the library -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) mouse_button_pressed_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_8, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- When a button of the mouse identified by mouse_id at coordinate (x,y) in the window -- identified by window_id has been pressed. The clicks show how much successive clicks -- has been made (1 for simple click, 2 for double click, etc.). The button say what -- mouse button has been pressed. The value can be: -- SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: Left button -- SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: Middle button -- SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: Right button -- SDL_BUTTON_X1: First optionnal button -- SDL_BUTTON_X2: Second optionnal button -- Note: mouse_id may be SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID mouse_button_released_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_8, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- When a button of the mouse identified by mouse_id at coordinate (x,y) in the window -- identified by window_id has been released. The clicks show how much successive clicks -- has been made (1 for simple click, 2 for double click, etc.). The button say what -- mouse button has been released. The value can be: -- SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: Left button -- SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: Middle button -- SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: Right button -- SDL_BUTTON_X1: First optionnal button -- SDL_BUTTON_X2: Second optionnal button -- Note: mouse_id may be SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID mouse_motion_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- When the mouse identified by mouse_id has been moved to the coordinate (x,y) -- in the window identified by window_id. The mouse has been move of x_relative -- position on the x axis and y_relative position on the y axis since the last call -- of the mouse_motion_actions event. The state of the mouse indicate which buttons is -- currently pressed. It is check with the following mask: -- SDL_BUTTON_LMASK: Left button -- SDL_BUTTON_MMASK: Middle button -- SDL_BUTTON_RMASK: Right button -- SDL_BUTTON_X1MASK: First optionnal button -- SDL_BUTTON_X2MASK: Second optionnal button -- Note: mouse_id may be SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID mouse_wheel_move_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- When the wheel of the mouse identified by mouse_id in the window identified by -- window_id has been moved. A positive x indicate a move to the right and a negative -- x indicate a move to the left. A positive y indicate a move up and a -- negative x indicate a move down. poll_event -- Execute an event validation. If no event is pending, do nothing. require attached game_library as la_game_library and then la_game_library.is_events_enable quit_signal_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32] -- When the application receive a quit signal. set_is_any_joy_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_any_joy_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_any_joy_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_dollar_gesture_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_dollar_gesture_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_dollar_gesture_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_dollar_record_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_dollar_record_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_dollar_record_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_file_dropped_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_file_dropped_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_file_dropped_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_finger_motion_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_finger_motion_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_finger_motion_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_finger_released_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_finger_released_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_finger_released_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_finger_touched_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_finger_touched_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_finger_touched_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_fingers_gesture_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_fingers_gesture_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_fingers_gesture_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_axis_motion_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_ball_motion_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_button_pressed_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_button_released_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_button_released_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_button_released_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_device_founded_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_device_founded_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_device_founded_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_device_removed_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_device_removed_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_device_removed_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_joy_hat_motion_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_key_pressed_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_key_pressed_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_key_pressed_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_key_released_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_key_released_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_key_released_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_mouse_button_pressed_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_mouse_button_released_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_mouse_button_released_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_mouse_button_released_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_mouse_motion_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_text_input_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_mouse_motion_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_mouse_wheel_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_mouse_wheel_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_mouse_wheel_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_quit_signal_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_quit_signal_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_quit_signal_event_enable ~ a_value set_is_window_event_enable (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to is_window_event_enable the value of a_value ensure is_assign: is_window_event_enable ~ a_value shared: BOOLEAN -- Is current memory area shared with others? -- (from MEMORY_STRUCTURE) text_editing_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, STRING_32, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- When a text has been edited in the window identified by window_id. -- The text must be edited from the start character for lenght characters. text_input_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, STRING_32] -- When a text has been input in the window identified by window_id. Total_memory: INTEGER_32 = 0 -- Code for all the memory managed -- by the garbage collector -- (from MEM_CONST) window_event_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [NATURAL_32, NATURAL_32, NATURAL_8, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- When the window identified by window_id is changing state. event_type may take the following value: -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN: The window has been shown -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN: The window has been hidden -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: The window has been exposed and should be redraw -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: window has been moved to coordinate (data1,data2) -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: window has been resized to dimension data1xdata2 -- this event is always preceded by SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: window size has changed -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED: window has been minimized -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED: window has been maximized -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: window has been restored to normal size and position -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER: window has gained mouse focus -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: window has lost mouse focus -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: window has gained keyboard focus -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: window has lost keyboard focus -- SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: the window manager requests that the window be closed feature -- Measurement gc_statistics (collector_type: INTEGER_32): GC_INFO -- Garbage collection information for collector_type. -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY type_ok: collector_type = Full_collector or collector_type = Incremental_collector ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class memory_statistics (memory_type: INTEGER_32): MEM_INFO -- Memory usage information for memory_type -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY type_ok: memory_type = Total_memory or memory_type = Eiffel_memory or memory_type = C_memory ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class feature -- Comparison frozen deep_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void -- or attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class shallow_implies_deep: standard_equal (a, b) implies Result both_or_none_void: (a = Void) implies (Result = (b = Void)) same_type: (Result and (a /= Void)) implies (b /= Void and then a.same_type (b)) symmetric: Result implies deep_equal (b, a) frozen equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached -- to objects considered equal? -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.is_equal (b)) frozen is_deep_equal alias "≡≡≡" (other: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER): BOOLEAN -- Are Current and other attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY shallow_implies_deep: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.is_deep_equal (Current) is_equal (other: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY symmetric: Result implies other ~ Current consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result frozen standard_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached to -- field-by-field identical objects of the same type? -- Always uses default object comparison criterion. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.standard_is_equal (b)) frozen standard_is_equal alias "≜" (other: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object of the same type -- as current object, and field-by-field identical to it? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.standard_is_equal (Current) feature -- Status report chunk_size: INTEGER_32 -- Minimal size of a memory chunk. The run-time always -- allocates a multiple of this size. -- If the environment variable EIF_MEMORY_CHUNK -- is defined, it is set to the closest reasonable -- value from it. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class coalesce_period: INTEGER_32 -- Period of full coalesce (in number of collections) -- If the environment variable EIF_FULL_COALESCE_PERIOD -- is defined, it is set to the closest reasonable -- value from it. -- If null, no full coalescing is launched. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class collecting: BOOLEAN -- Is garbage collection enabled? -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class collection_period: INTEGER_32 -- Period of full collection. -- If the environment variable EIF_FULL_COLLECTION_PERIOD -- is defined, it is set to the closest reasonable -- value from it. -- If null, no full collection is launched. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class conforms_to (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Does type of current object conform to type -- of other (as per Eiffel: The Language, chapter 13)? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void exists: BOOLEAN -- Is allocated memory still allocated? -- (from MEMORY_STRUCTURE) generation_object_limit: INTEGER_32 -- Maximum size of object in generational scavenge zone. -- If the environment variable EIF_GS_LIMIT -- is defined, it is set to the closest reasonable -- value from it. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class largest_coalesced_block: INTEGER_32 -- Size of largest coalesced block since last call to -- largest_coalesced; 0 if none. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class max_mem: INTEGER_32 -- Maximum amount of bytes the run-time can allocate. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class memory_count_map: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] -- Number of instances per dynamic type present in system. -- Same as memory_map except that no references on the objects themselves -- is kept. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class memory_map: HASH_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [ANY], INTEGER_32] -- Retrieves all object in system as a table indexed by dynamic type -- where elements are all instances of a given data type. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class memory_threshold: INTEGER_32 -- Minimum amount of bytes to be allocated before -- starting an automatic garbage collection. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class objects_instance_of (an_object: ANY): SPECIAL [ANY] -- Objects that have same dynamic type as an_object. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class objects_instance_of_type (a_type_id: INTEGER_32): SPECIAL [ANY] -- Objects that have same dynamic type as an_object. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class referers (an_object: ANY): SPECIAL [ANY] -- Objects that refer to an_object. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class same_type (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is type of current object identical to type of other? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY definition: Result = (conforms_to (other) and other.conforms_to (Current)) scavenge_zone_size: INTEGER_32 -- Size of generational scavenge zone. -- If the environment variable EIF_MEMORY_SCAVENGE -- is defined, it is set to the closest reasonable -- value from it. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class tenure: INTEGER_32 -- Maximum age of object before being considered -- as old (old objects are not scanned during -- partial collection). -- If the environment variable EIF_TENURE_MAX -- is defined, it is set to the closest reasonable -- value from it. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class feature -- Status setting allocate_compact -- Enter memory mode: will try to compact memory -- before requesting more from the operating system. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class allocate_fast -- Enter speed mode: will optimize speed of memory -- allocation rather than memory usage. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class allocate_tiny -- Enter tiny mode: will enter memory mode -- after having freed as much memory as possible. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class collection_off -- Disable garbage collection. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class collection_on -- Enable garbage collection. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class disable_time_accounting -- Disable GC time accounting (default). -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class enable_time_accounting -- Enable GC time accouting, accessible in gc_statistics. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class execute_without_collection (a_action: PROCEDURE) -- Execute a_action with the garbage collector disabled. -- If a_action modifies the status of collecting, we restore -- it no matter what at the end. -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class collection_status_preserved: collecting = old collecting set_coalesce_period (value: INTEGER_32) -- Set coalesce_period. Every value collection, -- the Garbage Collector will coalesce -- the whole memory. -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY positive_value: value >= 0 ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class set_collection_period (value: INTEGER_32) -- Set collection_period. Every value collection, -- the Garbage collector will perform a collection -- on the whole memory (full collection), otherwise -- a simple partial collection is done. -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY positive_value: value >= 0 ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class set_max_mem (value: INTEGER_32) -- Set the maximum amount of memory the run-time can allocate. -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY positive_value: value > 0 ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class set_memory_threshold (value: INTEGER_32) -- Set a new memory_threshold in bytes. Whenever the memory -- allocated for Eiffel reaches this value, an automatic -- collection is performed. -- (from MEMORY) require -- from MEMORY positive_value: value > 0 ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class feature -- Removal collect -- Force a partial collection cycle if garbage -- collection is enabled; do nothing otherwise. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class dispose -- Action to be executed just before garbage collection -- reclaims an object. -- Default version does nothing; redefine in descendants -- to perform specific dispose actions. Those actions -- should only take care of freeing external resources; -- they should not perform remote calls on other objects -- since these may also be dead and reclaimed. -- (from MEMORY) free (object: ANY) -- Free object, by-passing garbage collection. -- Erratic behavior will result if the object is still -- referenced. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class full_coalesce -- Coalesce the whole memory: merge adjacent free -- blocks to reduce fragmentation. Useful, when -- a lot of memory is allocated with garbage collector off. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class full_collect -- Force a full collection cycle if garbage -- collection is enabled; do nothing otherwise. -- (from MEMORY) ensure -- from MEMORY instance_free: class feature -- Duplication copy (other: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER) -- Update current object using fields of object attached -- to other, so as to yield equal objects. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_equal: Current ~ other frozen deep_copy (other: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER) -- Effect equivalent to that of: -- copy (other . deep_twin) -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void ensure -- from ANY deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, other) frozen deep_twin: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER -- New object structure recursively duplicated from Current. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY deep_twin_not_void: Result /= Void deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, Result) frozen standard_copy (other: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER) -- Copy every field of other onto corresponding field -- of current object. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) ensure -- from ANY is_standard_equal: standard_is_equal (other) frozen standard_twin: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER -- New object field-by-field identical to other. -- Always uses default copying semantics. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY standard_twin_not_void: Result /= Void equal: standard_equal (Result, Current) frozen twin: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER -- New object equal to Current -- twin calls copy; to change copying/twinning semantics, redefine copy. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY twin_not_void: Result /= Void is_equal: Result ~ Current feature -- Basic operations frozen default: detachable GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER -- Default value of object's type -- (from ANY) frozen default_pointer: POINTER -- Default value of type POINTER -- (Avoid the need to write p.default for -- some p of type POINTER.) -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class default_rescue -- Process exception for routines with no Rescue clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) frozen do_nothing -- Execute a null action. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class feature -- Implementation structure_size: INTEGER_32 -- <Preucrsor> ensure -- from MEMORY_STRUCTURE is_class: class positive_result: Result > 0 feature -- Output Io: STD_FILES -- Handle to standard file setup -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class io_not_void: Result /= Void out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY out_not_void: Result /= Void print (o: detachable ANY) -- Write terse external representation of o -- on standard output. -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class frozen tagged_out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY tagged_out_not_void: Result /= Void feature -- Platform Operating_environment: OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT -- Objects available from the operating system -- (from ANY) ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class operating_environment_not_void: Result /= Void invariant -- from ANY reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current) reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current) -- from MEMORY_STRUCTURE managed_pointer_valid: not shared implies managed_pointer /= Void internal_item_valid: shared implies internal_item /= default_pointer end -- class GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER
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