note description: "Informations about a display (a display is generally a screen)" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Tue, 24 Feb 2015 00:07:14 +0000" revision: "2.0" class GAME_DISPLAY inherit GAME_SDL_ANY GAME_LIBRARY_SHARED create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_index: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization for Current. require index_valid: a_index >= 0 and a_index < Game_library.displays_count do index := a_index end feature -- Access index: INTEGER_32 -- The internal index of Current name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- The name of Current local l_name_pointer: POINTER do clear_error l_name_pointer := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getdisplayname (index) if l_name_pointer.is_default_pointer then manage_error_pointer (l_name_pointer, "An error occured while retriving the display name.") Result := "" else Result := (create {C_STRING}.make_by_pointer (l_name_pointer)).string end end bound_x: INTEGER_32 -- Y coordinate of the bound of Current. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable do Result := bound.x end bound_y: INTEGER_32 -- Y coordinate of the bound of Current. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable do Result := bound.y end bound_width: INTEGER_32 -- Width of the bound of Current. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable do Result := bound.width end bound_height: INTEGER_32 -- Height of the bound of Current. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable do Result := bound.height end bound: TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32; width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32] -- Desktop area represented by Current (with the primary display located at 0,0). require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable local l_error: INTEGER_32 l_rect: POINTER do l_rect := l_rect.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_rect) clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getdisplaybounds (index, l_rect) if l_error < 0 then manage_error_code (l_error, "An error occured while retriving the display bound informations.") Result := [0, 0, 0, 0] else Result := [{GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.get_rect_struct_x (l_rect), {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.get_rect_struct_y (l_rect), {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.get_rect_struct_w (l_rect), {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.get_rect_struct_h (l_rect)] end; l_rect.memory_free end current_mode: GAME_DISPLAY_MODE -- A copy of the current display mode of Current. -- Note that modification to this object won't have any effect on the system. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable local l_mode: POINTER l_error: INTEGER_32 do l_mode := l_mode.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_display_mode) clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getcurrentdisplaymode (index, l_mode) manage_error_code (l_error, "An error occured while retriving the display mode informations.") create Result.own_from_pointer (l_mode) end native_mode: GAME_DISPLAY_MODE -- A copy of the display mode that Current should have if the game is not in full screen -- Note that this is equivalent to current_mode in non full screen mode. -- Note that modification to this object won't have any effect on the system. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable local l_mode: POINTER l_error: INTEGER_32 do l_mode := l_mode.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_display_mode) clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getdesktopdisplaymode (index, l_mode) manage_error_code (l_error, "An error occured while retriving the display mode informations.") create Result.own_from_pointer (l_mode) end closest_mode (a_mode: GAME_DISPLAY_MODE): GAME_DISPLAY_MODE -- A copy of the display mode compatible with Current that is closest to a_mode. -- Note that modification to this object won't have any effect on the system. require displays_bound_is_video_enabled: Game_library.is_video_enable local l_mode, l_result: POINTER do l_mode := l_mode.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_display_mode) clear_error l_result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getclosestdisplaymode (index, a_mode.item, l_mode) manage_error_pointer (l_result, "An error occured while retriving the closest display mode.") create Result.own_from_pointer (l_mode) end modes: CHAIN [GAME_DISPLAY_MODE] -- All display mode compatible with Current -- Note that modification to this object won't have any effect on the system. local l_count, l_i, l_error: INTEGER_32 l_mode: POINTER do clear_error l_count := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getnumdisplaymodes (index) if l_count <= 0 then manage_error_code (l_count, "An error occured while retriving the number of display modes.") l_count := 0 end create {ARRAYED_LIST [GAME_DISPLAY_MODE]} Result.make (l_count) from l_i := 0 until l_i >= l_count or has_error loop l_mode := l_mode.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_display_mode) l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_getdisplaymode (index, l_i, l_mode) if l_error < 0 then manage_error_code (l_count, "An error occured while retriving the display mode with the index " + l_i.out + "."); l_mode.memory_free else Result.extend (create {GAME_DISPLAY_MODE}.own_from_pointer (l_mode)) end l_i := l_i + 1 end end invariant index_valid: index >= 0 and index < Game_library.displays_count end -- class GAME_DISPLAY
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