	description: "An object which does all the image rendering on a GAME_WINDOW"
	author: "Louis Marchand"
	date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 02:40:10 +0000"
	revision: "2.0"

class interface


feature -- Access

			-- Show the last drawed modification
			renderer_exists: exists

	target: GAME_RENDER_TARGET assign set_target
			-- What GAME_RENDER_TARGET to use when using the present

	original_target: GAME_WINDOW_RENDERED
			-- The window that will be targetted
			-- (if no set_target has been called)
			-- command

	set_target (a_target: GAME_RENDER_TARGET)
			-- Assign what GAME_RENDER_TARGET to use when using the present
			-- command
			renderer_exists: exists
			is_set: not has_error implies target = a_target

			-- Put back the original_target as
			-- the target
			renderer_exists: exists

			-- Fill the target with
			-- the drawing_color
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_texture (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32)
			-- Draw the whole a_texture on Current at (a_x,a_y)
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_sub_texture (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x_source, a_y_source, a_width, a_height, a_x_destination, a_y_destination: INTEGER_32)
			-- Draw the part of a_texture from (a_x_source,a_y_source)
			-- of size a_widthxa_height on Current at (a_x_destination,a_y_destination)
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_sub_texture_with_scale (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x_source, a_y_source, a_width_source, a_height_source, a_x_destination, a_y_destination, a_width_destination, a_height_destination: INTEGER_32)
			-- Draw the part of a_texture from (a_x_source,a_y_source)
			-- of size a_width_sourcexa_height_source on the part of Current
			-- at (a_x_destination,a_y_destination) of size
			-- a_width_destinationxa_height_destination
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_texture_with_rotation (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32; a_x_rotation_center, a_y_rotation_center: INTEGER_32; a_rotation_angle: REAL_64)
			-- Draw the whole a_texture on Current at (a_x,a_y) rotate
			-- of a_rotation_angle degree with the rotation center at
			-- (a_x_rotation_center,a_y_rotation_center)
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_sub_texture_with_rotation (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x_source, a_y_source, a_width_source, a_height_source, a_x_destination, a_y_destination, a_x_rotation_center, a_y_rotation_center: INTEGER_32; a_rotation_angle: REAL_64)
			-- Draw the part of a_texture from (a_x_source,a_y_source)
			-- of size a_width_sourcexa_height_source on the part of Current
			-- at (a_x_destination,a_y_destination) of size
			-- a_width_destinationxa_height_destination.
			-- Also, rotate the draw of a_rotation_angle degree using the rotation center
			-- (a_x_rotation_center,a_y_rotation_center)
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_texture_with_mirror (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32; a_vertical_mirror, a_horizontal_mirror: BOOLEAN)
			-- Draw the whole a_texture on Current at (a_x,a_y)
			-- Also, use a vertical mirror on the drawed image if a_vertical_mirror
			-- is True and an horizontal one if a_horizontal_mirror is True.
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_sub_texture_with_mirror (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x_source, a_y_source, a_width_source, a_height_source, a_x_destination, a_y_destination: INTEGER_32; a_vertical_mirror, a_horizontal_mirror: BOOLEAN)
			-- Draw the part of a_texture from (a_x_source,a_y_source)
			-- of size a_width_sourcexa_height_source on the part of Current
			-- at (a_x_destination,a_y_destination) of size
			-- a_width_destinationxa_height_destination.
			-- Also, use a vertical mirror on the drawed image if a_vertical_mirror
			-- is True and an horizontal one if a_horizontal_mirror is True.
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_sub_texture_with_scale_rotation_and_mirror (a_texture: GAME_TEXTURE; a_x_source, a_y_source, a_width_source, a_height_source, a_x_destination, a_y_destination, a_width_destination, a_height_destination, a_x_rotation_center, a_y_rotation_center: INTEGER_32; a_rotation_angle: REAL_64; a_vertical_mirror, a_horizontal_mirror: BOOLEAN)
			-- Draw the part of a_texture from (a_x_source,a_y_source)
			-- of size a_width_sourcexa_height_source on the part of Current
			-- at (a_x_destination,a_y_destination) of size
			-- a_width_destinationxa_height_destination.
			-- Also, rotate the draw of a_rotation_angle degree using the rotation center
			-- (a_x_rotation_center,a_y_rotation_center). Finally, use a vertical mirror on
			-- the drawed image if a_vertical_mirror is True and an horizontal one if
			-- a_horizontal_mirror is True.
			renderer_exists: exists

	drawing_color: GAME_COLOR_READABLE assign set_drawing_color
			-- All performed drawing on Current is done
			-- using this color (including clear)
			renderer_exists: exists

	set_drawing_color (a_drawing_color: GAME_COLOR_READABLE)
			-- Assign the value of the drawing_color
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_point (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32)
			-- Draw a point at (a_x, a_y)
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_points (a_points: CHAIN [TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32]])
			-- Draw points using all (x, y) in a_points
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_line (a_x1, a_y1, a_x2, a_y2: INTEGER_32)
			-- Draw a line from (a_x1, a_y1) to (a_x2, a_y2)
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_connected_lines (a_points: CHAIN [TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32]])
			-- Draw connected lines using all (x, y) in a_points
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_rectangle (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32)
			-- Drawing a wire rectangle of dimension
			-- a_widthxa_height that has it's left frontier at
			-- a_x, it's top frontier at a_y.
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_rectangles (a_rectangles: CHAIN [TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32; width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32]])
			-- Drawing every wire rectangle in a_rectangles
			-- that has it's left frontier at
			-- x, it's top frontier at y, with
			-- dimension widthxheight
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_filled_rectangle (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32)
			-- Drawing a filled rectangle of dimension
			-- a_widthxa_height that has it's left frontier at
			-- a_x, it's top frontier at a_y.
			renderer_exists: exists

	draw_filled_rectangles (a_rectangles: CHAIN [TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32; width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32]])
			-- Drawing every wire rectangle in a_rectangles
			-- that has it's left frontier at
			-- x, it's top frontier at y, with
			-- dimension widthxheight
			renderer_exists: exists

	output_size: TUPLE [width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32]
			-- Get the size of the output of Current
			renderer_exists: exists

	clip_rectangle: TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32; width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32]
			-- Indicate what rectangle must be drawed when a draw is
			-- use. Every drawing outside of the rectangle will be
			-- ignored
			renderer_exists: exists

	set_clip_rectangle (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32)
			-- Assign clip_rectangle with the values of a_x, a_y,
			-- a_width and a_height
			renderer_exists: exists
			is_set: (attached clip_rectangle as la_clip_rectangle and attached normalize_rectangle (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) as la_normalized_rectangle) implies (la_clip_rectangle.x = la_normalized_rectangle.x and la_clip_rectangle.y = la_normalized_rectangle.y and la_clip_rectangle.width = la_normalized_rectangle.width and la_clip_rectangle.height = la_normalized_rectangle.height)

			-- Remove every clip rectangle from Current
			renderer_exists: exists

	logical_size: TUPLE [width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32]
			-- Get the device independant logical size of the output of Current
			-- [0,0] if never set..
			-- Modifying this value may change the scale and viewport values.
			renderer_exists: exists

	set_logical_size (a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32)
			-- Assign logical_size using values in a_width and a_height.
			-- Using this feature may change the scale and viewport values.
			renderer_exists: exists
			width_valid: a_width > 0
			height_valid: a_height > 0
			is_set: attached logical_size as la_logical_size implies (la_logical_size.width = a_width and la_logical_size.height = a_height)

	scale: TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32]
			-- Get the scale x and y that Current have to do when drawing.
			-- Note: For better performance, use integer scaling factor
			renderer_exists: exists

	set_scale (a_x, a_y: REAL_32)
			-- Assign scale using values in a_x and a_y
			renderer_exists: exists
			is_set: attached scale as la_scale implies (la_scale.x = a_x and la_scale.y = a_y)

	viewport: TUPLE [x: INTEGER_32; y: INTEGER_32; width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32]
			-- The position and size of the drawing area in Current
			renderer_exists: exists

	set_viewport (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32)
			-- Assign viewport using values in a_x, a_y, a_width
			-- and a_height. Note that depending on the scale values,
			-- the viewport may be round to another close value.
			renderer_exists: exists
			is_set: (attached viewport as la_viewport and attached scale as la_scale and attached normalize_rectangle (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) as la_normalized_rectangle) implies (la_viewport.x.to_double >= la_normalized_rectangle.x.to_double - (1.0 / la_scale.x.to_double) and la_viewport.x.to_double <= la_normalized_rectangle.x.to_double + (1.0 / la_scale.x.to_double) and la_viewport.y.to_double >= la_normalized_rectangle.y.to_double - (1.0 / la_scale.y.to_double) and la_viewport.y.to_double <= la_normalized_rectangle.y.to_double + (1.0 / la_scale.y.to_double) and la_viewport.width.to_double >= la_normalized_rectangle.width.to_double - (1.0 / la_scale.x.to_double) and la_viewport.width.to_double <= la_normalized_rectangle.width.to_double + (1.0 / la_scale.x.to_double) and la_viewport.height.to_double >= la_normalized_rectangle.height.to_double - (1.0 / la_scale.y.to_double) and la_viewport.height.to_double <= la_normalized_rectangle.height.to_double + (1.0 / la_scale.y.to_double))

	exists: BOOLEAN
			-- Is item a valid pointer to be used as blenderable

			-- The driver used to render Current
end -- class GAME_RENDERER

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