class GAME_HAPTIC_CARTESIAN_DIRECTION General cluster: haptic description: "Represent the direction that an effect come from (an not where it goes, be carefull). Direction is encoded by three position (X axis, Y axix and Z axis). Cardinal directions of the haptic device are relative to the positioning of the device. North is considered to be away from the user, south is toward the user, east is right, and west is left of the user: .--. |__| .-------. |=.| |.-----.| |--| || || | | |'-----'| |__|~')_____(' [ COMPUTER ] North (0,-1,0) ^ | | (-1,0,0) West <----[ HAPTIC ]----> East (1,0,0) | | v South (0,1,0) [ USER ] \|||/ (o o) ---ooO-(_)-Ooo---" create: make_from_other, make, make_with_2_axis, make_with_axis Ancestors GAME_HAPTIC_DIRECTION Queries exists: BOOLEAN is_cartesian: BOOLEAN is_equal (a_other: [like Current] GAME_HAPTIC_CARTESIAN_DIRECTION): BOOLEAN is_polar: BOOLEAN is_spherical: BOOLEAN is_values_equal (a_other: GAME_HAPTIC_DIRECTION): BOOLEAN item: POINTER position: TUPLE [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] shared: BOOLEAN structure_size: INTEGER_32 x: INTEGER_32 y: INTEGER_32 z: INTEGER_32 Commands make make_by_pointer (a_ptr: POINTER) set_position (a_x, a_y, a_z: INTEGER_32) set_x (a_x: INTEGER_32) set_y (a_y: INTEGER_32) set_z (a_z: INTEGER_32) Constraints type valid position valid
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