	description: "Common ancestor to object that can manage touch device dollar gesture template."
	author: "Louis Marchand"
	date: "Sun, 19 Apr 2015 18:20:39 +0000"
	revision: "2.0"

deferred class interface

feature -- Access

	index: INTEGER_64
			-- The internal index of the managed touch device

	load_dollar_gesture_template (a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL)
			-- Load in Current every dollar gesture templates
			-- inside the file located at a_filename
			-- Note: The unique hash returned by the record_dollar_gesture
			-- feature has to be saved on the client side.
			file_is_readable: attached (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_filename)) as la_file implies (la_file.exists and then la_file.is_access_readable)

	save_dollar_gesture_template (a_hash: INTEGER_64; a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL)
			-- Save the dollar gesture templates identified by a_hash
			-- inside the file located at a_filename. If it exists, the file will be
			-- overwrited.
			-- Note: The a_hash is not saved in the file. You have to save it
			-- yourself for future utilisation
			is_file_creatable: (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_filename)).is_creatable

	save_all_dollar_gesture_template (a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL)
			-- Save every dollar gesture templates loaded in the library
			-- inside the file located at a_filename. If it exists, the file will be
			-- overwrited.
			-- Note: The templates hashes are not saved in the file. You have to save
			-- them yourself for future utilisation
			is_file_creatable: (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_filename)).is_creatable

	append_dollar_gesture_template (a_hash: INTEGER_64; a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL)
			-- Save the dollar gesture templates identified by a_hash
			-- inside the file located at a_filename. If it exists, the data will
			-- be added to the end. If it does not, it will be created.
			-- Note: The a_hash is not saved in the file. You have to save it
			-- yourself for future utilisation
			is_file_valid: attached (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_filename)) as la_file implies ((la_file.exists implies la_file.is_access_writable) and (not la_file.exists implies la_file.is_creatable))

	append_all_dollar_gesture_template (a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL)
			-- Save every dollar gesture templates loaded in the library
			-- inside the file located at a_filename. If it exists, the data will
			-- be added to the end. If it does not, it will be created.
			-- Note: The templates hashes are not saved in the file. You have to save
			-- them yourself for future utilisation
			is_file_valid: attached (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_filename)) as la_file implies ((la_file.exists implies la_file.is_access_writable) and (not la_file.exists implies la_file.is_creatable))

	last_loaded_dollar_gesture_template: INTEGER_32
			-- How many dollar gesture template has been load on the last
			-- call of the load_dollar_gesture_template feature

	last_saved_dollar_gesture_template: INTEGER_32
			-- How many dollar gesture template has been save on the last
			-- call of the save_dollar_gesture_template,
			-- save_all_dollar_gesture_template, append_dollar_gesture_template
			-- or append_all_dollar_gesture_template feature

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