note description: "A keyboard key." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Thu, 02 Apr 2015 02:40:10 +0000" revision: "2.0" class GAME_KEY create make_from_physical_code, make_from_virtual_code, make_from_name feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Process instances of classes with no creation clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) do end make_from_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Initialize Current using a text representation. local l_code: INTEGER_32 l_utf_converter: UTF_CONVERTER l_text_c: C_STRING do create l_utf_converter create l_text_c.make (l_utf_converter.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_name.to_string_32)) l_code := {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_getscancodefromname (l_text_c.item) if l_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_unknown then l_code := {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdl_getkeyfromname (l_text_c.item) make_from_virtual_code (l_code) else make_from_physical_code (l_code) end end make_from_physical_code (a_physical_code: INTEGER_32) -- Initialize Current using hardware -- dependant a_physical_code value (scancode). do physical_code := a_physical_code virtual_code := {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdl_getkeyfromscancode (physical_code) end make_from_virtual_code (a_virtual_code: INTEGER_32) -- Initialize Current using layout aware -- a_virtual_code value (keycode). do virtual_code := a_virtual_code physical_code := {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_getscancodefromkey (virtual_code) end feature -- Access generating_type: TYPE [detachable GAME_KEY] -- Type of current object -- (type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY generating_type_not_void: Result /= Void end generator: STRING_8 -- Name of current object's generating class -- (base class of the type of which it is a direct instance) -- (from ANY) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY generator_not_void: Result /= Void generator_not_empty: not Result.is_empty end has_error: BOOLEAN -- Is the library has generate an error -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) is_0: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 0 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_0 end is_physical_0: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 0 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_0 end is_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 1 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_1 end is_physical_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 1 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_1 end is_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 2 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_2 end is_physical_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 2 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_2 end is_3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 3 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_3 end is_physical_3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 3 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_3 end is_4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 4 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_4 end is_physical_4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 4 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_4 end is_5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 5 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_5 end is_physical_5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 5 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_5 end is_6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 6 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_6 end is_physical_6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 6 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_6 end is_7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 7 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_7 end is_physical_7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 7 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_7 end is_8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 8 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_8 end is_physical_8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 8 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_8 end is_9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the 9 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_9 end is_physical_9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical 9 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_9 end is_a: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the A key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_a end is_physical_a: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical a key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_a end is_again: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the again key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_again end is_physical_again: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical again key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_again end is_ampersand: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the ampersand key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ampersand end is_physical_apostrophe: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical apostrophe key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_apostrophe end is_physical_app_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical app 1 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_app1 end is_physical_app_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical app 2 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_app2 end is_application: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the application key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_application end is_physical_application: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical application key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_application end is_application_control_back: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the back key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_back end is_physical_application_control_back: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical back key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_back end is_application_control_bookmarks: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the bookmarks key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_bookmarks end is_physical_application_control_bookmarks: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical bookmarks key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_bookmarks end is_application_control_forward: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the forward key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_forward end is_physical_application_control_forward: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical forward key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_forward end is_application_control_home: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the home key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_home end is_physical_application_control_home: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical home key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_home end is_application_control_refresh: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the refresh key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_refresh end is_physical_application_control_refresh: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical refresh key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_refresh end is_application_control_search: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the search key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_search end is_physical_application_control_search: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical search key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_search end is_application_control_stop: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the stop key of the application control keyboard section -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ac_stop end is_physical_application_control_stop: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical stop key of the application_control keypad -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ac_stop end is_as400_keypad_equals: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad equals key for as400 keyboard -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_equalsas400 end is_physical_as400_keypad_equals: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad equals key for as400 keyboard -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_equalsas400 end is_asterisk: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the asterisk key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_asterisk end is_at: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the at key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_at end is_audio_mute: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the audio mute key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_audiomute end is_physical_audio_mute: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical audio mute key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_audiomute end is_audio_next: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the audio_next key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_audionext end is_physical_audio_next: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical audio next key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_audionext end is_audio_play: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the audio play key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_audioplay end is_physical_audio_play: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical audio play key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_audioplay end is_audio_prev: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the audio prev key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_audioprev end is_physical_audio_prev: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical audio prev key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_audioprev end is_audio_stop: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the audio stop key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_audiostop end is_physical_audio_stop: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical audio stop key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_audiostop end is_b: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the B key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_b end is_physical_b: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical b key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_b end is_backquote: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the backquote key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_backquote end is_backslash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the backslash key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_backslash end is_physical_backslash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical backslash key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_backslash end is_backspace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the backspace key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_backspace end is_physical_backspace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical backspace key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_backspace end is_physical_brightness_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical brightness down key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_brightnessdown end is_brightness_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the brightness up key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_brightnessup end is_physical_brightness_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical brightness up key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_brightnessup end is_brightnessdown: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the brightnessdown key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_brightnessdown end is_c: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the C key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_c end is_physical_c: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical c key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_c end is_calculator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the calculator key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_calculator end is_physical_calculator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical calculator key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_calculator end is_cancel: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the cancel key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_cancel end is_physical_cancel: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical cancel key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_cancel end is_caps_lock: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the caps lock key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_capslock end is_physical_caps_lock: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical caps lock key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_capslock end is_caret: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the caret key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_caret end is_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the clear key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_clear end is_physical_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical clear key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_clear end is_clear_again: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the clear again key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_clearagain end is_physical_clear_again: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical clear/again key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_clearagain end is_colon: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the colon key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_colon end is_comma: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the comma key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_comma end is_physical_comma: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical comma key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_comma end is_computer: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the computer key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_computer end is_physical_computer: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical computer key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_computer end is_copy: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the copy key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_copy end is_physical_copy: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical copy key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_copy end is_crsel: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the crsel key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_crsel end is_physical_crsel: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical crsel key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_crsel end is_currency_sub_unit: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the currency sub unit key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_currencysubunit end is_physical_currency_sub_unit: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical currency sub unit key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_currencysubunit end is_currency_unit: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the currency unit key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_currencyunit end is_physical_currency_unit: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical currency unit key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_currencyunit end is_cut: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the cut key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_cut end is_physical_cut: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical cut key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_cut end is_d: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the D key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_d end is_physical_d: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical d key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_d end is_decimal_separator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the decimal separator key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_decimalseparator end is_physical_decimal_separator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical decimal separator key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_decimalseparator end is_delete: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the delete key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_delete end is_physical_delete: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical delete key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_delete end is_display_switch: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the display switch key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_displayswitch end is_physical_display_switch: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical display switch key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_displayswitch end is_dollar: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the dollar key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_dollar end is_double_quote: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the double quote key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_quotedbl end is_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the down key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_down end is_physical_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical down key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_down end is_e: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the E key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_e end is_physical_e: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical e key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_e end is_eject: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the eject key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_eject end is_physical_eject: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical eject key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_eject end is_end: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the end key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_end end is_physical_end: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical end key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_end end is_equals: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the equals key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_equals end is_physical_equals: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical equals key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_equals end is_erase_eaze_alternate_erase: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the alternate erase key for Erase Eaze keyboard -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_alterase end is_physical_erase_eaze_alternate_erase: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical alternate erase key for Erase Eaze keyboard -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_alterase end is_escape: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the escape key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_escape end is_physical_escape: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical escape key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_escape end is_exclaim: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the exclaim key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_exclaim end is_execute: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the execute key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_execute end is_physical_execute: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical execute key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_execute end is_exsel: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the exsel key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_exsel end is_physical_exsel: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical exsel key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_exsel end is_f: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the F key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f end is_physical_f: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f end is_f1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f1 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f1 end is_physical_f1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f1 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f1 end is_f10: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f10 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f10 end is_physical_f10: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f10 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f10 end is_f11: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f11 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f11 end is_physical_f11: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f11 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f11 end is_f12: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f12 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f12 end is_physical_f12: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f12 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f12 end is_f13: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f13 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f13 end is_physical_f13: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f13 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f13 end is_f14: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f14 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f14 end is_physical_f14: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f14 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f14 end is_f15: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f15 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f15 end is_physical_f15: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f15 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f15 end is_f16: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f16 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f16 end is_physical_f16: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f16 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f16 end is_f17: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f17 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f17 end is_physical_f17: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f17 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f17 end is_f18: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f18 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f18 end is_physical_f18: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f18 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f18 end is_f19: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f19 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f19 end is_physical_f19: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f19 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f19 end is_f2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f2 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f2 end is_physical_f2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f2 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f2 end is_f20: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f20 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f20 end is_physical_f20: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f20 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f20 end is_f21: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f21 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f21 end is_physical_f21: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f21 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f21 end is_f22: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f22 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f22 end is_physical_f22: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f22 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f22 end is_f23: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f23 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f23 end is_physical_f23: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f23 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f23 end is_f24: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f24 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f24 end is_physical_f24: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f24 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f24 end is_f3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f3 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f3 end is_physical_f3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f3 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f3 end is_f4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f4 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f4 end is_physical_f4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f4 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f4 end is_f5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f5 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f5 end is_physical_f5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f5 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f5 end is_f6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f6 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f6 end is_physical_f6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f6 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f6 end is_f7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f7 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f7 end is_physical_f7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f7 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f7 end is_f8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f8 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f8 end is_physical_f8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f8 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f8 end is_f9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the f9 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_f9 end is_physical_f9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical f9 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_f9 end is_find: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the find key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_find end is_physical_find: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical find key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_find end is_g: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the G key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_g end is_physical_g: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical g key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_g end is_physical_grave_accent: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical grave accent key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_grave end is_greater: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the greater key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_greater end is_h: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the H key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_h end is_physical_h: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical h key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_h end is_hash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the hash key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_hash end is_help: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the help key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_help end is_physical_help: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical help key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_help end is_home: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the home key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_home end is_physical_home: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical home key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_home end is_i: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the I key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_i end is_physical_i: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical i key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_i end is_insert: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the insert key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_insert end is_physical_insert: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical insert key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_insert end is_physical_internationa_6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 6 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international6 end is_physical_international_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 1 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international1 end is_physical_international_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 2 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international2 end is_physical_international_3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 3 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international3 end is_physical_international_4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 4 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international4 end is_physical_international_5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 5 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international5 end is_physical_international_7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 7 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international7 end is_physical_international_8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 8 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international8 end is_physical_international_9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical international 9 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_international9 end is_physical_iso_backslash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical backslash key for ISO keyboard -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_nonusbackslash end is_physical_iso_hash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical hash key for ISO keyboard. -- Don't use this, use is_backslash instead. -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_nonushash end is_j: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the J key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_j end is_physical_j: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical j key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_j end is_k: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the K key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_k end is_physical_k: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical k key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_k end is_keyboard_illumination_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the keyboard illumination down key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kbdillumdown end is_physical_keyboard_illumination_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keyboard illumination down key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kbdillumdown end is_keyboard_illumination_toggle: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the keyboard illumination toggle key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kbdillumtoggle end is_physical_keyboard_illumination_toggle: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keyboard illumination toggle key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kbdillumtoggle end is_physical_keyboard_illumination_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keyboard illumination up key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kbdillumup end is_keyboard_illuminationup: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the keyboard illumination up key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kbdillumup end is_keypad_0: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 0 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_0 end is_physical_keypad_0: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 0 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_0 end is_keypad_00: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 00 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_00 end is_physical_keypad_00: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 00 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_00 end is_keypad_000: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 000 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_000 end is_physical_keypad_000: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 000 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_000 end is_keypad_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 1 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_1 end is_physical_keypad_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 1 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_1 end is_keypad_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 2 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_2 end is_physical_keypad_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 2 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_2 end is_keypad_3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 3 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_3 end is_physical_keypad_3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 3 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_3 end is_keypad_4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 4 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_4 end is_physical_keypad_4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 4 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_4 end is_keypad_5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 5 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_5 end is_physical_keypad_5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 5 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_5 end is_keypad_6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 6 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_6 end is_physical_keypad_6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 6 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_6 end is_keypad_7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 7 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_7 end is_physical_keypad_7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 7 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_7 end is_keypad_8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 8 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_8 end is_physical_keypad_8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 8 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_8 end is_keypad_9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad 9 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_9 end is_physical_keypad_9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad 9 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_9 end is_keypad_a: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad a key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_a end is_physical_keypad_a: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad a key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_a end is_keypad_ampersand: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad ampersand key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_ampersand end is_physical_keypad_ampersand: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad ampersand key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_ampersand end is_keypad_at: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad at key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_at end is_physical_keypad_at: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad at key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_at end is_keypad_b: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad b key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_b end is_physical_keypad_b: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad b key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_b end is_keypad_backspace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad backspace key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_backspace end is_physical_keypad_backspace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad backspace key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_backspace end is_keypad_binary: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad binary key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_binary end is_physical_keypad_binary: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad binary key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_binary end is_keypad_c: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad c key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_c end is_physical_keypad_c: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad c key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_c end is_keypad_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad clear key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_clear end is_physical_keypad_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad clear key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_clear end is_keypad_clear_entry: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad clear entry key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_clearentry end is_physical_keypad_clear_entry: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad clear entry key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_clearentry end is_keypad_colon: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad colon key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_colon end is_physical_keypad_colon: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad colon key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_colon end is_keypad_comma: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad comma key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_comma end is_physical_keypad_comma: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad comma key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_comma end is_keypad_d: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad d key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_d end is_physical_keypad_d: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad d key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_d end is_keypad_decimal: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad decimal key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_decimal end is_physical_keypad_decimal: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad decimal key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_decimal end is_keypad_divide: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad divide key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_divide end is_physical_keypad_divide: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad divide key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_divide end is_keypad_double_ampersand: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad double ampersand key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_dblampersand end is_physical_keypad_double_ampersand: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad double ampersand key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_dblampersand end is_keypad_double_vertical_bar: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad double vertical bar key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_dblverticalbar end is_physical_keypad_double_vertical_bar: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad double vertical bar key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_dblverticalbar end is_keypad_e: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad e key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_e end is_physical_keypad_e: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad e key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_e end is_keypad_enter: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad enter key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_enter end is_physical_keypad_enter: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad enter key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_enter end is_physical_keypad_equals: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad equals key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_equals end is_keypad_exclamation_mark: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad exclamation mark key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_exclam end is_physical_keypad_exclamation_mark: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad exclamation mark key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_exclam end is_keypad_f: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad f key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_f end is_physical_keypad_f: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad f key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_f end is_keypad_greater: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad greater key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_greater end is_physical_keypad_greater: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad greater key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_greater end is_keypad_hash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad hash key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_hash end is_physical_keypad_hash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad hash key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_hash end is_keypad_hexadecimal: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad hexadecimal key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_hexadecimal end is_physical_keypad_hexadecimal: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad hexadecimal key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_hexadecimal end is_keypad_left_brace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad left brace key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_leftbrace end is_physical_keypad_left_brace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad left brace key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_leftbrace end is_keypad_left_parenthesis: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad left parenthesis key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_leftparen end is_physical_keypad_left_parenthesis: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad left parenthesis key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_leftparen end is_keypad_less: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad less key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_less end is_physical_keypad_less: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad less key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_less end is_keypad_mem_add: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem add key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memadd end is_physical_keypad_mem_add: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem add key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memadd end is_keypad_mem_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem clear key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memclear end is_physical_keypad_mem_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem clear key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memclear end is_keypad_mem_divide: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem divide key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memdivide end is_physical_keypad_mem_divide: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem divide key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memdivide end is_keypad_mem_multiply: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem multiply key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memmultiply end is_physical_keypad_mem_multiply: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem multiply key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memmultiply end is_keypad_mem_recall: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem recall key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memrecall end is_physical_keypad_mem_recall: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem recall key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memrecall end is_keypad_mem_store: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem store key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memstore end is_physical_keypad_mem_store: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem store key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memstore end is_keypad_mem_subtract: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad mem subtract key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_memsubtract end is_physical_keypad_mem_subtract: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad mem subtract key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_memsubtract end is_keypad_minus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad minus key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_minus end is_physical_keypad_minus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad minus key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_minus end is_keypad_multiply: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad multiply key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_multiply end is_physical_keypad_multiply: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad multiply key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_multiply end is_keypad_octal: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad octal key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_octal end is_physical_keypad_octal: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad octal key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_octal end is_keypad_percent: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad percent key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_percent end is_physical_keypad_percent: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad percent key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_percent end is_keypad_period: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad period key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_period end is_physical_keypad_period: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad period key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_period end is_keypad_plus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad plus key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_plus end is_physical_keypad_plus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad plus key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_plus end is_keypad_plus_minus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad plus minus key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_plusminus end is_physical_keypad_plus_minus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad plus/minus key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_plusminus end is_keypad_power: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad power key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_power end is_physical_keypad_power: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical kp_power key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_power end is_keypad_right_brace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad right brace key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_rightbrace end is_keypad_right_parenthesis: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad right parenthesis key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_rightparen end is_physical_keypad_right_parenthesis: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad right parenthesis key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_rightparen end is_physical_keypad_rightbrace: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad right brace key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_rightbrace end is_keypad_space: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad space key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_space end is_physical_keypad_space: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad space key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_space end is_keypad_tab: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad tab key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_tab end is_physical_keypad_tab: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad tab key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_tab end is_keypad_vertical_bar: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad vertical bar key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_verticalbar end is_physical_keypad_vertical_bar: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad vertical bar key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_verticalbar end is_keypad_xor: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the key pad xor key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_xor end is_physical_keypad_xor: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical keypad xor key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_kp_xor end is_kp_equals: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the kp_equals key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_kp_equals end is_l: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the L key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_l end is_physical_l: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical l key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_l end is_physical_lang_1: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 1 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang1 end is_physical_lang_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 2 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang2 end is_physical_lang_3: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 3 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang3 end is_physical_lang_4: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 4 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang4 end is_physical_lang_5: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 5 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang5 end is_physical_lang_6: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 6 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang6 end is_physical_lang_7: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 7 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang7 end is_physical_lang_8: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 8 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang8 end is_physical_lang_9: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical lang 9 key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lang9 end is_left: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the left key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_left end is_physical_left: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical left key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_left end is_left_alt: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the left alt key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_lalt end is_physical_left_alt: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical left alt key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lalt end is_left_bracket: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the leftbracket key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_leftbracket end is_physical_left_bracket: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical left bracket key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_leftbracket end is_left_ctrl: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the left ctrl key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_lctrl end is_physical_left_ctrl: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical left ctrl key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lctrl end is_left_gui: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the left gui key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_lgui end is_physical_left_gui: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical left gui key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lgui end is_left_parenthesis: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the left parenthesis key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_leftparen end is_left_shift: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the left shift key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_lshift end is_physical_left_shift: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical left shift key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_lshift end is_less: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the less key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_less end is_m: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the M key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_m end is_physical_m: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical m key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_m end is_mail: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the mail key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_mail end is_physical_mail: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical mail key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_mail end is_media_select: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the media select key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_mediaselect end is_physical_media_select: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical media select key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_mediaselect end is_menu: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the menu key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_menu end is_physical_menu: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical menu key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_menu end is_minus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the minus key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_minus end is_physical_minus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical minus key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_minus end is_mode: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the mode key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_mode end is_physical_mode: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical mode key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_mode end is_mute: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the mute key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_mute end is_physical_mute: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical mute key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_mute end is_n: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the N key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_n end is_physical_n: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical n key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_n end is_physical_num_lock_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical num lock clear key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_numlockclear end is_numlock_clear: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the numlock clear key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_numlockclear end is_o: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the O key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_o end is_physical_o: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical o key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_o end is_oper: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the oper key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_oper end is_physical_oper: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical oper key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_oper end is_out: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the out key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_out end is_physical_out: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical out key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_out end is_p: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the P key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_p end is_physical_p: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical p key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_p end is_page_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the page down key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_pagedown end is_physical_page_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical page down key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_pagedown end is_page_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the page up key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_pageup end is_physical_page_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical page up key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_pageup end is_paste: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the paste key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_paste end is_physical_paste: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical paste key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_paste end is_pause: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the pause key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_pause end is_physical_pause: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical pause key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_pause end is_percent: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the percent key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_percent end is_period: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the period key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_period end is_physical_period: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical period key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_period end is_plus: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the plus key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_plus end is_power: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the power key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_power end is_physical_power: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical power key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_power end is_print_screen: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the print screen key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_printscreen end is_physical_print_screen: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical print screen key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_printscreen end is_prior: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the prior key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_prior end is_physical_prior: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical prior key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_prior end is_q: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the Q key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_q end is_physical_q: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical q key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_q end is_question_mark: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the question mark key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_question end is_quote: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the quote key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_quote end is_r: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the R key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_r end is_physical_r: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical r key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_r end is_return: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the return key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_return end is_physical_return: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical return key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_return end is_return2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the return2 key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_return2 end is_physical_return_2: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical second return key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_return2 end is_right: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_right end is_physical_right: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical right key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_right end is_right_alt: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right alt key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_ralt end is_physical_right_alt: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical right alt key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_ralt end is_right_bracket: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right bracket key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_rightbracket end is_physical_right_bracket: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical right bracket key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_rightbracket end is_right_ctrl: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right ctrl key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_rctrl end is_physical_right_ctrl: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical right ctrl key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_rctrl end is_right_gui: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right gui key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_rgui end is_physical_right_gui: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical right gui key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_rgui end is_right_parenthesis: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right parenthesis key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_rightparen end is_right_shift: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the right shift key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_rshift end is_physical_right_shift: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical right shift key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_rshift end is_s: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the S key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_s end is_physical_s: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical s key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_s end is_scroll_lock: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the scroll lock key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_scrolllock end is_physical_scroll_lock: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical scroll lock key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_scrolllock end is_select: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the select key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_select end is_physical_select: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical select key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_select end is_semicolon: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the semicolon key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_semicolon end is_physical_semicolon: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical semicolon key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_semicolon end is_separator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the separator key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_separator end is_physical_separator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical separator key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_separator end is_slash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the slash key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_slash end is_physical_slash: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical slash key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_slash end is_sleep: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the sleep key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_sleep end is_physical_sleep: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical sleep key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_sleep end is_space: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the space key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_space end is_physical_space: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical space key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_space end is_stop: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the stop key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_stop end is_physical_stop: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical stop key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_stop end is_sysreq: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the sysreq key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_sysreq end is_physical_sysreq: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical sysreq key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_sysreq end is_t: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the T key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_t end is_physical_t: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical t key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_t end is_tab: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the tab key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_tab end is_physical_tab: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical tab key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_tab end is_thousands_separator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the thousands separator key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_thousandsseparator end is_physical_thousands_separator: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical thousands separator key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_thousandsseparator end is_u: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the U key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_u end is_physical_u: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical u key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_u end is_underscore: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the underscore key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_underscore end is_undo: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the undo key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_undo end is_physical_undo: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical undo key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_undo end is_unknown: BOOLEAN -- Current is not a valid key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_unknown end is_physical_unknown: BOOLEAN -- The Current physical key is not valid -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_unknown end is_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the up key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_up end is_physical_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical up key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_up end is_v: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the V key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_v end is_physical_v: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical v key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_v end is_volume_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the volume down key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_volumedown end is_physical_volume_down: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical volume down key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_volumedown end is_volume_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the volume up key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_volumeup end is_physical_volume_up: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical volume up key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_volumeup end is_w: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the W key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_w end is_physical_w: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical w key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_w end is_www: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the www key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_www end is_physical_www: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical www key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_www end is_x: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the X key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_x end is_physical_x: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical x key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_x end is_y: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the Y key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_y end is_physical_y: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical y key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_y end is_z: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the Z key -- (from GAME_VIRTUAL_KEY) do Result := virtual_code = {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdlk_z end is_physical_z: BOOLEAN -- Current represent the physical z key -- (from GAME_PHYSICAL_KEY) do Result := physical_code = {GAME_SDL_SCANCODE}.sdl_scancode_z end last_error: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- The last error generate by the library -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) local l_string: C_STRING do if is_manual_error then Result := Precursor {GAME_ERROR_MANAGER} else create l_string.make_by_pointer ({GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_geterror) Result := l_string.string end end out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- Note that this value is in UTF-8. -- Use unicode_out to get the UTF-8 representatin local l_result_ptr: POINTER do l_result_ptr := {GAME_SDL_VIRTUAL_KEY}.sdl_getkeyname (virtual_code) if not l_result_ptr.is_default_pointer then Result := (create {C_STRING}.make_by_pointer (l_result_ptr)).string else Result := "" end ensure -- from ANY out_not_void: Result /= Void end physical_code: INTEGER_32 -- Hardware code of the key -- (not compatible between systems) unicode_out: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- The unicode text representation of Current do Result := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_escaped_string_32 (out) end virtual_code: INTEGER_32 -- Code of the key using the virtual layout keyboard -- (should be compatible between systems) feature -- Comparison frozen deep_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void -- or attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) do if a = Void then Result := b = Void else Result := b /= Void and then a.is_deep_equal (b) end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class shallow_implies_deep: standard_equal (a, b) implies Result both_or_none_void: (a = Void) implies (Result = (b = Void)) same_type: (Result and (a /= Void)) implies (b /= Void and then a.same_type (b)) symmetric: Result implies deep_equal (b, a) end frozen equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached -- to objects considered equal? -- (from ANY) do if a = Void then Result := b = Void else Result := b /= Void and then a.is_equal (b) end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.is_equal (b)) end frozen is_deep_equal alias "≡≡≡" (other: GAME_KEY): BOOLEAN -- Are Current and other attached to isomorphic object structures? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY shallow_implies_deep: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.is_deep_equal (Current) end is_equal (other: GAME_KEY): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY symmetric: Result implies other ~ Current consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result end frozen standard_equal (a: detachable ANY; b: like arg #1): BOOLEAN -- Are a and b either both void or attached to -- field-by-field identical objects of the same type? -- Always uses default object comparison criterion. -- (from ANY) do if a = Void then Result := b = Void else Result := b /= Void and then a.standard_is_equal (b) end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class definition: Result = (a = Void and b = Void) or else ((a /= Void and b /= Void) and then a.standard_is_equal (b)) end frozen standard_is_equal alias "≜" (other: GAME_KEY): BOOLEAN -- Is other attached to an object of the same type -- as current object, and field-by-field identical to it? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY same_type: Result implies same_type (other) symmetric: Result implies other.standard_is_equal (Current) end feature -- Status report conforms_to (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Does type of current object conform to type -- of other (as per Eiffel: The Language, chapter 13)? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void external "built_in" end same_type (other: ANY): BOOLEAN -- Is type of current object identical to type of other? -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY definition: Result = (conforms_to (other) and other.conforms_to (Current)) end feature -- Duplication frozen clone (other: detachable ANY): like other obsolete "Use `twin' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Void if other is void; otherwise new object -- equal to other -- -- For non-void other, clone calls copy; -- to change copying/cloning semantics, redefine copy. -- (from ANY) do if other /= Void then Result := other.twin end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class equal: Result ~ other end copy (other: GAME_KEY) -- Update current object using fields of object attached -- to other, so as to yield equal objects. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY is_equal: Current ~ other end frozen deep_clone (other: detachable ANY): like other obsolete "Use `deep_twin' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Void if other is void: otherwise, new object structure -- recursively duplicated from the one attached to other -- (from ANY) do if other /= Void then Result := other.deep_twin end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class deep_equal: deep_equal (other, Result) end frozen deep_copy (other: GAME_KEY) -- Effect equivalent to that of: -- copy (other . deep_twin) -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void do copy (other.deep_twin) ensure -- from ANY deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, other) end frozen deep_twin: GAME_KEY -- New object structure recursively duplicated from Current. -- (from ANY) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY deep_twin_not_void: Result /= Void deep_equal: deep_equal (Current, Result) end frozen standard_clone (other: detachable ANY): like other obsolete "Use `standard_twin' instead. [2017-05-31]" -- Void if other is void; otherwise new object -- field-by-field identical to other. -- Always uses default copying semantics. -- (from ANY) do if other /= Void then Result := other.standard_twin end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class equal: standard_equal (Result, other) end frozen standard_copy (other: GAME_KEY) -- Copy every field of other onto corresponding field -- of current object. -- (from ANY) require -- from ANY other_not_void: other /= Void type_identity: same_type (other) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY is_standard_equal: standard_is_equal (other) end frozen standard_twin: GAME_KEY -- New object field-by-field identical to other. -- Always uses default copying semantics. -- (from ANY) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY standard_twin_not_void: Result /= Void equal: standard_equal (Result, Current) end frozen twin: GAME_KEY -- New object equal to Current -- twin calls copy; to change copying/twinning semantics, redefine copy. -- (from ANY) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY twin_not_void: Result /= Void is_equal: Result ~ Current end feature -- Basic operations frozen as_attached: attached GAME_KEY obsolete "Remove calls to this feature. [2017-05-31]" -- Attached version of Current. -- (Can be used during transitional period to convert -- non-void-safe classes to void-safe ones.) -- (from ANY) do Result := Current end frozen default: detachable GAME_KEY -- Default value of object's type -- (from ANY) do end frozen default_pointer: POINTER -- Default value of type POINTER -- (Avoid the need to write p.default for -- some p of type POINTER.) -- (from ANY) do ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class end default_rescue -- Process exception for routines with no Rescue clause. -- (Default: do nothing.) -- (from ANY) do end frozen do_nothing -- Execute a null action. -- (from ANY) do ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class end feature {NONE} -- Implementation clear_error -- Remove error pending in Current -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) require -- from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER True do {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_clearerror Precursor {GAME_ERROR_MANAGER} is_manual_error := False ensure -- from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER no_error: not has_error ensure then -- from GAME_SDL_ANY no_error: not is_manual_error end disable_print_on_error -- Desactive the print_on_error functionnality. -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) do Print_on_error_internal.put (False) end enable_print_on_error -- Active the print_on_error functionnality. -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) do Print_on_error_internal.put (True) end is_manual_error: BOOLEAN -- Is the current pending error is a manual error (using manual_error as message) -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) manage_error_boolean (a_boolean: BOOLEAN; a_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create an error if a_boolean is false. -- If there is an error, append a_message to the error message -- on the SDL2 library -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) do if not a_boolean then if Print_on_error_internal.item then Io.Error.put_string (a_message.to_string_8 + "%N"); Io.Error.put_string (last_error.to_string_8 + "%N") end has_error := True end ensure -- from GAME_SDL_ANY not a_boolean implies has_error end manage_error_code (a_error_code: INTEGER_32; a_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- If needed create an error depending of the error code a_code. -- If there is an error, append a_message to the error message -- on the SDL2 library -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) do if a_error_code < 0 then if Print_on_error_internal.item then Io.Error.put_string (a_message.to_string_8 + "%N"); Io.Error.put_string (last_error.to_string_8 + "%N") end has_error := True end end manage_error_pointer (a_pointer: POINTER; a_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create an error if a_pointer is not valid. -- If there is an error, append a_message to the error message -- on the SDL2 library -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) do if a_pointer.is_default_pointer then if Print_on_error_internal.item then Io.Error.put_string (a_message.to_string_8 + "%N"); Io.Error.put_string (last_error.to_string_8 + "%N") end has_error := True end ensure -- from GAME_SDL_ANY a_pointer.is_default_pointer implies has_error end manual_error: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- The specific message for the last error -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) print_on_error: BOOLEAN -- When an error occured, the library will print -- informations about the error on the error console -- output (default is True). -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) do Result := Print_on_error_internal.item end Print_on_error_internal: CELL [BOOLEAN] -- True when an error occured, -- The library will print it right away. -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) once ("PROCESS") create Result.put (True) end put_manual_error (a_general_message, a_specific_error: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create an error using a_general_error for the debug information -- and a_specific_error for the lasting information -- (from GAME_SDL_ANY) do is_manual_error := True Precursor {GAME_ERROR_MANAGER} (a_general_message, a_specific_error) ensure -- from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER has_error end set_print_on_error (a_value: BOOLEAN) -- Assign to print_on_error the value of a_value -- (from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER) do if a_value then enable_print_on_error else disable_print_on_error end ensure -- from GAME_ERROR_MANAGER is_assign: print_on_error ~ a_value end feature -- Output Io: STD_FILES -- Handle to standard file setup -- (from ANY) once create Result; Result.set_output_default ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class io_not_void: Result /= Void end print (o: detachable ANY) -- Write terse external representation of o -- on standard output. -- (from ANY) local s: READABLE_STRING_8 do if attached o then s := o.out if attached {READABLE_STRING_32} s as s32 then Io.put_string_32 (s32) elseif attached {READABLE_STRING_8} s as s8 then Io.put_string (s8) else Io.put_string_32 (s.as_string_32) end end ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class end frozen tagged_out: STRING_8 -- New string containing terse printable representation -- of current object -- (from ANY) external "built_in" ensure -- from ANY tagged_out_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Platform Operating_environment: OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT -- Objects available from the operating system -- (from ANY) once create Result ensure -- from ANY instance_free: class operating_environment_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Retrieval frozen internal_correct_mismatch -- Called from runtime to perform a proper dynamic dispatch on correct_mismatch -- from MISMATCH_CORRECTOR. -- (from ANY) local l_msg: STRING_32 l_exc: EXCEPTIONS do if attached {MISMATCH_CORRECTOR} Current as l_corrector then l_corrector.correct_mismatch else create l_msg.make_from_string ("Mismatch: ".as_string_32) create l_exc; l_msg.append (generating_type.name_32); l_exc.raise_retrieval_exception (l_msg) end end invariant -- from ANY reflexive_equality: standard_is_equal (Current) reflexive_conformance: conforms_to (Current) end -- class GAME_KEY
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