	description: "Common ancestor to mouse state and events"
	author: "Louis MArchand"
	date: "Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:17:55 +0000"
	revision: "0.1"

deferred class interface

feature -- Access

	x: INTEGER_32
			-- Horizontal position of Current (relative to the focussed window)

	y: INTEGER_32
			-- Vertical position of Current (relative to the focussed window)

	is_left_button: BOOLEAN
			-- Is the left button of Current being managed

	is_right_button: BOOLEAN
			-- Is the right button of Current being managed

	is_middle_button: BOOLEAN
			-- Is the middle button of Current being managed

	is_optional_button_1: BOOLEAN
			-- Is the first optionnal button of Current being managed

	is_optional_button_2: BOOLEAN
			-- Is the second optionnal button of Current being managed
end -- class GAME_MOUSE_COMMON

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