class SED_MEMORY_READER_WRITER General cluster: ise description: "Serialize/Deserialize data from memory. Given a memory area referenced by MANAGED_POINTER, store/retrieve data from memory. Initially memory is read from the first byte unless changed via set_position. After the first store/retrieve operation, count is set to the position of the last written/read bytes. If you haven't set an initial position via set_position, it is also the number of bytes written/read, otherwise the number of bytes read is count - initial_position." create: make, make_with_buffer Ancestors SED_BINARY_READER_WRITER* Queries buffer: MANAGED_POINTER count: INTEGER_32 data: MANAGED_POINTER is_for_reading: BOOLEAN is_pointer_value_stored: BOOLEAN is_ready_for_reading: BOOLEAN is_ready_for_writing: BOOLEAN read_boolean: BOOLEAN read_character_32: CHARACTER_32 read_character_8: CHARACTER_8 read_compressed_integer_32: INTEGER_32 read_compressed_natural_32: NATURAL_32 read_immutable_string_32: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 read_immutable_string_8: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 read_integer_16: INTEGER_16 read_integer_32: INTEGER_32 read_integer_64: INTEGER_64 read_integer_8: INTEGER_8 read_natural_16: NATURAL_16 read_natural_32: NATURAL_32 read_natural_64: NATURAL_64 read_natural_8: NATURAL_8 read_pointer: POINTER read_real_32: REAL_32 read_real_64: REAL_64 read_string_32: STRING_32 read_string_8: STRING_8 Commands cleanup read_footer read_header set_for_reading set_for_writing set_is_pointer_value_stored (v: [like is_pointer_value_stored] BOOLEAN) set_position (a_pos: INTEGER_32) write_boolean (v: BOOLEAN) write_character_32 (v: CHARACTER_32) write_character_8 (v: CHARACTER_8) write_compressed_integer_32 (v: INTEGER_32) write_compressed_natural_32 (v: NATURAL_32) write_footer write_header write_integer_16 (v: INTEGER_16) write_integer_32 (v: INTEGER_32) write_integer_64 (v: INTEGER_64) write_integer_8 (v: INTEGER_8) write_natural_16 (v: NATURAL_16) write_natural_32 (v: NATURAL_32) write_natural_64 (v: NATURAL_64) write_natural_8 (v: NATURAL_8) write_pointer (v: POINTER) write_real_32 (v: REAL_32) write_real_64 (v: REAL_64) write_string_32 (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) write_string_8 (v: READABLE_STRING_8)
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