note description: "A 3d object for the 3d audio library." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:15:20 +0000" revision: "2.0" deferred class AUDIO_3D_OBJECT inherit AUDIO_OPENAL_ERROR_MANAGER GAME_3D_OBJECT feature -- Access set_position (a_x, a_y, a_z: REAL_32) -- Set the object position in a 3D environment. do set_params_3_float ({AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.al_position, a_x, a_y, a_z) ensure then is_assign: not has_error implies (attached position as la_position implies (la_position.x ~ a_x and la_position.y ~ a_y and la_position.z ~ a_z)) end set_velocity (a_x, a_y, a_z: REAL_32) -- Set the object velocity (deplacement) in a 3D environment. do set_params_3_float ({AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.al_velocity, a_x, a_y, a_z) ensure then is_assign: not has_error implies (attached velocity as la_velocity implies (la_velocity.x ~ a_x and la_velocity.y ~ a_y and la_velocity.z ~ a_z)) end position: TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32; z: REAL_32] -- Get the object position in a 3D environment. do Result := params_3_float ({AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.al_position) end velocity: TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32; z: REAL_32] -- Get the object velocity (deplacement) in a 3D environment. do Result := params_3_float ({AUDIO_EXTERNAL}.al_velocity) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_params_float_pointer_c (a_id: INTEGER_32; a_ptr: POINTER) deferred end set_params_3_float (a_id: INTEGER_32; a_x, a_y, a_z: REAL_32) local l_params_vector: ARRAY [REAL_32] l_params_c: ANY do create l_params_vector.make_filled (0.0, 1, 3) (1) := a_x (2) := a_y (3) := a_z l_params_c := l_params_vector.to_c clear_error set_params_float_pointer_c (a_id, $l_params_c.to_pointer) read_al_error ("Cannot set audio float parameters (3).") ensure is_assign: not has_error implies (attached params_3_float (a_id) as la_params implies (la_params.x ~ a_x and la_params.y ~ a_y and la_params.z ~ a_z)) end assign_params_float_pointer_c (a_id: INTEGER_32; a_ptr: POINTER) deferred end params_3_float (a_id: INTEGER_32): TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32; z: REAL_32] local l_params_vector: ARRAY [REAL_32] l_params_c: ANY do create l_params_vector.make_filled (0.0, 1, 3) l_params_c := l_params_vector.to_c clear_error assign_params_float_pointer_c (a_id, $l_params_c.to_pointer) read_al_error ("Cannot get audio floats parameters (3)") Result := [ (1), (2), (3)] end end -- class AUDIO_3D_OBJECT
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