	description: "A 3d object for the 3d audio library."
	author: "Louis Marchand"
	date: "Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:15:20 +0000"
	revision: "2.0"

deferred class interface

feature -- Access

	set_position (a_x, a_y, a_z: REAL_32)
			-- Set the object position in a 3D environment.
		ensure then
			is_assign: not has_error implies (attached position as la_position implies (la_position.x ~ a_x and la_position.y ~ a_y and la_position.z ~ a_z))

	set_velocity (a_x, a_y, a_z: REAL_32)
			-- Set the object velocity (deplacement) in a 3D environment.
		ensure then
			is_assign: not has_error implies (attached velocity as la_velocity implies (la_velocity.x ~ a_x and la_velocity.y ~ a_y and la_velocity.z ~ a_z))

	position: TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32; z: REAL_32]
			-- Get the object position in a 3D environment.

	velocity: TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32; z: REAL_32]
			-- Get the object velocity (deplacement) in a 3D environment.
end -- class AUDIO_3D_OBJECT

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