note description: "Joystick manager. Not tested. It is most probable that it does not work correctly" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "May 24, 2012" revision: "" class GAME_JOYSTICK inherit DISPOSABLE GAME_JOYSTICK_EVENTS rename make as make_events, id as index, stop as stop_events, run as run_events, is_running as is_events_running, clear as clear_events end GAME_LIBRARY_SHARED create {GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER} make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_open_index: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization for Current using a_open_index when open. do events_controller := Game_library.events_controller open_index := a_open_index is_removed := False make_events end feature -- Access index: INTEGER_32 -- Internal unique identifier of Current do if is_open then Result := instance_id else Result := -1 end end is_removed: BOOLEAN -- Current has been removed name: STRING_8 -- Return the Joystick Name. require not_removed: not is_removed local l_text_return: C_STRING do if is_open then create l_text_return.make_by_pointer ({GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickname (item)) else create l_text_return.make_by_pointer ({GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknameforindex (open_index)) end Result := l_text_return.string end open -- Open Current (Allocate internal structure). require open_joystick_not_open: not is_open do clear_error item := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickopen (open_index) manage_error_pointer (item, "Error while opening the Joystick.") ensure is_open_or_error: not has_error implies is_open end close -- Close Current (Free internal structure). require close_is_open: is_open do internal_close end is_open: BOOLEAN -- True if the joystick has been opened. do Result := (not item.is_default_pointer) and then {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickgetattached (item) end axes_count: INTEGER_32 -- Get the number of axes on the joystick. require get_axes_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumaxes (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick axes.") end axes_number: INTEGER_32 obsolete "Use `axes_count' instead" -- Get the number of axes on the joystick. require get_axes_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumaxes (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick axes.") end axis_value (a_axis_id: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_16 -- Get the value of the axis identified by a_axis_id. -- Note that a_axis_id index start at 0 require get_axis_value_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed get_axis_value_axis_id_valid: a_axis_id < axes_count do Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickgetaxis (item, a_axis_id) end balls_count: INTEGER_32 -- Return the number of balls on the joystick. require get_balls_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumballs (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick balls.") end balls_number: INTEGER_32 obsolete "Use `balls_count' instead" -- Return the number of balls on the joystick. require get_balls_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumballs (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick balls.") end ball_change (a_ball_id: INTEGER_32): TUPLE [x_relative: INTEGER_32; y_relative: INTEGER_32] -- Return the state of the ball identified by a_ball_id (relative to the last read). -- Note that a_ball_id index start at 0 require get_ball_value_opened: is_open get_ball_value_ball_id_valid: a_ball_id < axes_count not_removed: not is_removed local l_dx, l_dy, l_error: INTEGER_32 do clear_error {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickupdate l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickgetball (item, a_ball_id, $l_dx.to_pointer, $l_dy.to_pointer) Result := [l_dx, l_dy] manage_error_code (l_error, "Error while querying the state change of joystick ball.") end buttons_count: INTEGER_32 -- Return the number of buttons on the joystick. require get_buttons_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumbuttons (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick buttons.") end buttons_number: INTEGER_32 obsolete "Use `buttons_count' instead" -- Return the number of buttons on the joystick. require get_buttons_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumbuttons (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick buttons.") end is_button_pressed (a_button_id: INTEGER_32): BOOLEAN -- True if the button identified by a_button_id is pressed, False otherwise -- Note that a_button_id index start at 0 require is_buttons_pressed_opened: is_open is_button_pressed_button_id_valid: a_button_id < buttons_count not_removed: not is_removed do Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickgetbutton (item, a_button_id) end hats_count: INTEGER_32 -- Return the number of hats on the joystick. require get_hats_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumhats (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick hats.") end hats_number: INTEGER_32 obsolete "Use `hats_count' instead" -- Return the number of hats on the joystick. require get_hats_number_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joysticknumhats (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the number of joystick hats.") end hat_state (a_hat_id: INTEGER_32): GAME_JOYSTICK_HAT_STATE -- The state of the hat identified by a_hat_id -- Note that a_hat_id index start at 0 require get_hat_state_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed get_hat_state_hat_id_valid: a_hat_id < hats_count do create Result.make ({GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickgethat (item, a_hat_id)) end guid: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- A unique hardware identifier of Current require not_removed: not is_removed local l_string_buffer: POINTER do l_string_buffer := l_string_buffer.memory_alloc (50) if is_open then {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sdl_joystickgetguidstring (item, l_string_buffer, 50) else {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sdl_joystickgetdeviceguidstring (open_index, l_string_buffer, 50) end Result := (create {C_STRING}.own_from_pointer (l_string_buffer)).string end instance_id: INTEGER_32 -- Identifier of Current used in event handeling require is_buttons_pressed_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed do clear_error Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickinstanceid (item) manage_error_code (Result, "Error while querying the joystick's instance ID.") end is_haptic_capable: BOOLEAN -- Is Current has haptic features require is_buttons_pressed_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed is_haptic_enable: Game_library.is_haptic_enable local l_error: INTEGER_32 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickishaptic (item) manage_error_code (l_error, "Error while querying if the joystick has haptic functionnalities.") Result := l_error = 1 end haptic_controller: GAME_HAPTIC_JOYSTICK -- Used to manage the haptic (force feedback) of Current require is_buttons_pressed_opened: is_open not_removed: not is_removed is_haptic_capable: is_haptic_capable is_haptic_enable: Game_library.is_haptic_enable do if attached internal_haptic_controller as la_internal_haptic_controller then Result := la_internal_haptic_controller else create Result.make (Current) internal_haptic_controller := Result end end events_controller: GAME_EVENTS_CONTROLLER -- Used main event manager feature {GAME_SDL_ANY} -- Implementation item: POINTER -- Point to the internal C structure of Current feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_haptic_controller: detachable GAME_HAPTIC_JOYSTICK -- Value of the lazy evaluated attribute haptic_controller dispose -- <Pecursor> do if not item.is_default_pointer then {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickclose (item) end end feature {GAME_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER} -- Implementation open_index: INTEGER_32 assign set_open_index -- The internal index usedby open set_open_index (a_index: INTEGER_32) -- Assign a_index to open_index do open_index := a_index ensure is_assign: open_index = a_index end internal_close -- Close Current (Free internal structure). do if attached internal_haptic_controller as la_internal_haptic_controller and then la_internal_haptic_controller.is_open then la_internal_haptic_controller.close end {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_joystickclose (item) create item end remove -- set is_removed to True do is_removed := True ensure is_removed_set: is_removed end end -- class GAME_JOYSTICK
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