note description: "Read and write access to an internal array of pixels." author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Tue, 26 Jan 2016 19:34:13 +0000" revision: "2.1" class GAME_PIXEL_READER_WRITER inherit GAME_PIXEL_READER rename make as make_from_pointer redefine pixel, index end GAME_PIXEL_WRITER rename make as make_from_pointer end create make_from_pointer, make feature {NONE} -- Implementation make (a_format: GAME_PIXEL_FORMAT_READABLE; a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization for Current allocating item using a_format as pixel_format, -- a_width as width and a_height as height do bytes_per_pixel := a_format.bytes_per_pixel pixel_format := a_format width := a_width height := a_height pitch := a_width * bytes_per_pixel create internal_item.make (a_width * a_height * bytes_per_pixel) is_valid := not internal_item.item.is_default_pointer if not is_valid then put_manual_error ("No more memory", "Cannot allocate a pixel buffer") end ensure is_created: not has_error implies not item.is_default_pointer end feature -- Access pixel (a_line, a_column: INTEGER_32): GAME_COLOR_READABLE assign set_pixel -- Get the color of the pixel at line a_line and column a_column do Result := Precursor (a_line, a_column) end index (a_line, a_column: INTEGER_32): NATURAL_8 assign set_index -- Get the index of the indexed pixel at line a_line and column a_column do Result := Precursor (a_line, a_column) end invariant null_means_invalid: internal_item.item.is_default_pointer implies not is_valid end -- class GAME_PIXEL_READER_WRITER
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