note description: "A hardware accelerated picture in memory that can be quickly modified at run-time" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Wed, 27 Jan 2016 02:18:41 +0000" revision: "2.0" class GAME_TEXTURE_STREAMING inherit GAME_TEXTURE rename make as make_texture end create make, share_from_other feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_renderer: GAME_RENDERER; a_pixel_format: GAME_PIXEL_FORMAT_READABLE; a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization for Current of dimension (a_width , `a_height) -- for use on a_renderer, having a_pixel_format. Current -- can be locked to be modified (less speedy but more flexible) do make_with_flags (a_renderer, a_pixel_format, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_textureaccess_streaming, a_width, a_height) ensure error_or_exist: not has_error implies exists is_not_shared: not shared is_streamable: is_streamable end feature -- Access lock -- Lock Current to access pixels. -- Must used unlock after the edition. -- You cannot using Current as rendering target while locked. local l_pointer: POINTER l_error, l_pitch: INTEGER_32 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_locktexture (item, create {POINTER}, $l_pointer.to_pointer, $l_pitch.to_pointer) if l_error = 0 then create internal_pixels.make (l_pointer, pixel_format, width, height, l_pitch) is_locked := True else manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot lock texture") end ensure is_locked: not has_error implies is_locked and attached internal_pixels end lock_rectangle (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Lock Current to access pixels from position a_x,a_y of dimension a_widthxa_height -- Must used unlock after the edition. -- You cannot using Current as rendering target while locked. local l_pointer, l_rectangle: POINTER l_error, l_pitch: INTEGER_32 do l_rectangle := l_rectangle.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_rect) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_x (l_rectangle, a_x) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_y (l_rectangle, a_y) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_w (l_rectangle, a_width) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_h (l_rectangle, a_height) clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_locktexture (item, l_rectangle, $l_pointer.to_pointer, $l_pitch.to_pointer) if l_error = 0 then create internal_pixels.make (l_pointer, pixel_format, a_width, a_height, l_pitch) is_locked := True else manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot lock texture") end; l_rectangle.memory_free ensure is_locked: not has_error implies is_locked and attached internal_pixels end pixels: GAME_PIXEL_WRITER -- Used to modify pixels color in Current require is_locked: is_locked do check attached internal_pixels as la_pixels then Result := la_pixels end end unlock -- Unlock Current after access pixels. do {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_unlocktexture (item) internal_pixels := Void is_locked := False ensure is_locked: not is_locked and not attached internal_pixels end feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_pixels: detachable GAME_PIXEL_WRITER -- Internal representation of the pixels feature invariant always_streamable: is_streamable end -- class GAME_TEXTURE_STREAMING
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