note description: "A hardware accelerated picture in memory" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Fri, 27 Mar 2015 21:44:07 +0000" revision: "2.0" class GAME_TEXTURE inherit GAME_SDL_ANY DISPOSABLE GAME_RENDER_TARGET MEMORY_STRUCTURE rename make as make_structure, shared as internal_item_exists export {NONE} internal_item_exists, make_structure, make_by_pointer {GAME_SDL_ANY} item end GAME_BLENDABLE rename is_valid as exists end create make, make_target, make_from_surface, make_from_image, share_from_other feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_flags (a_renderer: GAME_RENDERER; a_pixel_format: GAME_PIXEL_FORMAT_READABLE; a_access_flags, a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization for Current of dimension (a_width , `a_height) -- for use on a_renderer, having a_pixel_format and -- respecting a_access_flags. local l_item: POINTER do clear_error l_item := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_createtexture (a_renderer.item, a_pixel_format.internal_index, a_access_flags, a_width, a_height) manage_error_pointer (l_item, "Cannot create texture.") make_by_pointer (l_item) shared := False is_locked := False ensure error_or_exist: not has_error implies exists is_not_shared: not shared end share_from_other (a_other: GAME_TEXTURE) -- Initialization of Current sharing the internal data of Current -- Note that each modification of Current will affect a_other and -- vice versa require other_exists: a_other.exists local l_root: like other do from l_root := a_other until not (attached l_root and then l_root.shared) loop l_root := l_root.other end check attached l_root then make_by_pointer (l_root.item) other := l_root shared := True end ensure is_created: exists is_shared: shared other_assign: attached other as la_other and then not la_other.shared end make (a_renderer: GAME_RENDERER; a_pixel_format: GAME_PIXEL_FORMAT_READABLE; a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) -- Initialization for Current of dimension (a_width , `a_height) -- for use on a_renderer, having a_pixel_format. Current -- can not be locked to be modified (best performance) do make_with_flags (a_renderer, a_pixel_format, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_textureaccess_static, a_width, a_height) ensure error_or_exist: not has_error implies exists is_not_shared: not shared end make_target (a_renderer: GAME_RENDERER; a_pixel_format: GAME_PIXEL_FORMAT_READABLE; a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32) obsolete "Use the class {GAME_TEXTURE_TARGET} instead." -- Initialization for Current of dimension (a_width , `a_height) -- for use on a_renderer, having a_pixel_format. Current -- can be used as rendering target (see: GAME_RENDERER.render_target) do make_with_flags (a_renderer, a_pixel_format, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_textureaccess_target, a_width, a_height) ensure error_or_exist: not has_error implies exists is_not_shared: not shared end make_from_surface (a_renderer: GAME_RENDERER; a_surface: GAME_SURFACE) -- Initialization of Current for use on a_renderer and using -- the data of a_surface (pixel format, picture, etc.) do make_from_image (a_renderer, a_surface.image) is_locked := False ensure error_or_exist: not has_error implies exists is_not_shared: not shared end make_from_image (a_renderer: GAME_RENDERER; a_image: GAME_IMAGE) -- Initialization of Current for use on a_renderer and using -- the data of a_image require image_is_open: a_image.is_open local l_item: POINTER do clear_error l_item := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_createtexturefromsurface (a_renderer.item, a_image.item) manage_error_pointer (l_item, "Cannot create texture.") make_by_pointer (l_item) shared := False is_locked := False ensure error_or_exist: not has_error implies exists is_not_shared: not shared end feature -- Access shared: BOOLEAN -- Is current memory area shared with others? width: INTEGER_32 -- The horizontal length of Current require texture_exist: exists do Result := informations.width end height: INTEGER_32 -- The vertical length of Current require texture_exist: exists do Result := informations.height end is_targetable: BOOLEAN -- Can Current be use as render target require texture_exist: exists do Result := informations.access = {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_textureaccess_target end is_streamable: BOOLEAN -- Can Current be modified by locking require texture_exist: exists do Result := informations.access = {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_textureaccess_streaming end is_locked: BOOLEAN -- Current is locked to access pixels. Current cannot be used until unlock is called. update_pixels (a_pixels: GAME_PIXEL_BUFFER) -- Modify the pixels colors in the section of Current starting at a_x,a_y using data in a_pixels require is_format_valid: a_pixels.pixel_format ~ pixel_format is_dimension_valid: width ~ a_pixels.width and height ~ a_pixels.height local l_error: INTEGER_32 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_updatetexture (item, create {POINTER}, a_pixels.item, a_pixels.pitch) manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot update texture pixels.") end update_pixels_with_rect (a_x, a_y: INTEGER_32; a_pixels: GAME_PIXEL_BUFFER) -- Modify the pixels colors in the section of Current starting at a_x,a_y using data in a_pixels require is_format_valid: a_pixels.pixel_format ~ pixel_format is_dimension_valid: width >= a_x + a_pixels.width and height >= a_y + a_pixels.height local l_rectangle: POINTER l_error: INTEGER_32 do l_rectangle := l_rectangle.memory_calloc (1, {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.c_sizeof_sdl_rect) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_x (l_rectangle, a_x) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_y (l_rectangle, a_y) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_w (l_rectangle, a_pixels.width) {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.set_rect_struct_h (l_rectangle, a_pixels.height) clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_updatetexture (item, l_rectangle, a_pixels.item, a_pixels.pitch) manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot update texture pixels."); l_rectangle.memory_free end pixel_format: GAME_PIXEL_FORMAT_READABLE -- Informations about the internal representation of pixels in Current require texture_exist: exists do create Result.make_from_flags (informations.format) end additionnal_alpha: NATURAL_8 assign set_additionnal_alpha -- Additionnal alpha blend to apply on Current when drawing require texture_exist: exists local l_error: INTEGER_32 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_gettexturealphamod (item, $Result.to_pointer) manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot retreive the texture additionnal alpha value.") end set_additionnal_alpha (a_additionnal_alpha: NATURAL_8) -- Assign additionnal_alpha with the value of a_additionnal_alpha require texture_exist: exists local l_error: INTEGER_32 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_settexturealphamod (item, a_additionnal_alpha) manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot set the texture additionnal alpha value") ensure is_set: additionnal_alpha = a_additionnal_alpha end additionnal_color: GAME_COLOR_READABLE assign set_additionnal_color -- Additionnal color to multiply to Current when drawing require texture_exist: exists local l_error: INTEGER_32 l_red, l_green, l_blue: NATURAL_8 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_gettexturecolormod (item, $l_red.to_pointer, $l_green.to_pointer, $l_blue.to_pointer) manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot retreive the texture additionnal color value.") create Result.make_rgb (l_red, l_green, l_blue) end set_additionnal_color (a_additionnal_color: GAME_COLOR_READABLE) -- Assign additionnal_color with the value of a_additionnal_color require texture_exist: exists local l_error: INTEGER_32 do clear_error l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_settexturecolormod (item,,, manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot set the texture additionnal color value") ensure is_set: additionnal_color.is_equal_ignore_alpha (a_additionnal_color) end feature -- Measurement structure_size: INTEGER_32 -- Size to allocate (in bytes). do Result := 0 end feature {NONE} -- Implementation informations: TUPLE [format: NATURAL_32; access: INTEGER_32; width: INTEGER_32; height: INTEGER_32] -- Retreive the pixel format, the access flag, the width and the height of Current require texture_exists: exists local l_format: NATURAL_32 l_error, l_access, l_width, l_height: INTEGER_32 do l_error := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_querytexture (item, $l_format.to_pointer, $l_access.to_pointer, $l_width.to_pointer, $l_height.to_pointer) manage_error_code (l_error, "Cannot retreive texture informations.") Result := [l_format, l_access, l_width, l_height] end dispose -- Action to be executed just before garbage collection -- reclaims an object. -- Effect it in descendants to perform specific dispose -- actions. Those actions should only take care of freeing -- external resources; they should not perform remote calls -- on other objects since these may also be dead and reclaimed. do if exists and not shared then {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_destroytexture (item) create internal_item end end feature {GAME_TEXTURE} -- Implementation other: detachable GAME_TEXTURE -- If Current has been created with share_from_other, -- Keep the origin GAME_TEXTURE to prevent the Garbage -- Collector from collect it and free the internal -- memory pointed by item feature {NONE} -- External c_get_blend_mode (a_item, a_blend_mode: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- Internal getter for blend mode do Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_gettextureblendmode (a_item, a_blend_mode) end c_set_blend_mode (a_item: POINTER; a_blend_mode: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- Internal setter for blend mode do Result := {GAME_SDL_EXTERNAL}.sdl_settextureblendmode (a_item, a_blend_mode) end end -- class GAME_TEXTURE
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