note description: "[ A sound source in a 3d environment. If a stereo sound is queued in the source, the 3d environment is not applied. 16 bit buffers are signed and 0 is the silent position 8 bit buffers are unsigned and 128 is the silent position for stereo formats the left channel comes first ]" author: "Louis Marchand" date: "Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:15:20 +0000" revision: "2.0" class interface AUDIO_SOURCE create {AUDIO_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER} make feature -- Access buffer_size: INTEGER_32 -- The buffer size for the sound streaming (default is 65536). Allocate too little memory to buffer can cause sound to stop before finishing. play -- Start the sound streaming. require source_is_open: is_open pause -- Put the streaming in pause. require source_is_open: is_open stop -- Stop the streaming. All queud sound will be remove from the queue. require source_is_open: is_open is_playing: BOOLEAN -- True if the sound source is currently playing. require source_is_open: is_open is_pause: BOOLEAN -- True if the sound source is currently on pause. require source_is_open: is_open is_stop: BOOLEAN -- True if the sound source has been stoped. require source_is_open: is_open is_initial: BOOLEAN -- True if the sound source has been rewinded. require source_is_open: is_open gain: REAL_32 assign set_gain -- The gain (volume) of Current. The gain will always be a REAL between 0 and 1. -- If the gain is set at 0, Current is mute. If the gain is set at 1, it is at it's max volume. require source_is_open: is_open set_gain (a_value: REAL_32) -- Set the Current gain (volume) to a_value. The a_value must always be a REAL between 0 and 1. -- If the a_value is set at 0, the source is mute. If the a_value is set at 1, it is at it's max volume. require source_is_open: is_open source_set_gain_valid_value: a_value >= 0.0 and then a_value <= 1.0 ensure source_set_gain_is_set: not has_error implies gain = a_value queue_sound_loop (a_sound: AUDIO_SOUND; a_nb_loop: INTEGER_32) -- Add a a_sound to the playing queue. -- Put a_nb_loop to 0 for no loop and to -1 for infinite loop require source_is_open: is_open queud_sound_is_open: a_sound.is_open queue_sound (a_sound: AUDIO_SOUND) -- Add a a_sound to the playing queue. -- Don't loop the sound at all (only one playing). require source_is_open: is_open queud_sound_is_open: a_sound.is_open queue_sound_infinite_loop (a_sound: AUDIO_SOUND) -- Add a a_sound to the playing queue. -- Loop the a_sound until the source is stopped. require source_is_open: is_open queud_sound_is_open: a_sound.is_open sound_queued: CHAIN_INDEXABLE_ITERATOR [TUPLE [sound: AUDIO_SOUND; nb_loop: INTEGER_32]] -- The queue containing every sound to play update_playing -- This methode must be execute at regular interval. If it is not execute enough in a certain time lap, the sounds will stop before finishing. -- If this append, you can call this methode more often or use bigger buffer_size. You can use the routine update on the AUDIO_LIBRARY_CONTROLLER -- and it will do the same effect. require source_is_open: is_open set_direction (a_x, a_y, a_z: REAL_32) -- Set the source direction. Meaning where the source object is looking at in the 3D environment. require source_is_open: is_open direction: TUPLE [x: REAL_32; y: REAL_32; z: REAL_32] -- Get the source direction. Meaning where the source object is looking at in the 3D environment. require source_is_open: is_open is_open: BOOLEAN -- Is Current open and ready to be used (without initialization error) feature -- Implementation - Routines dispose -- Action to be executed just before garbage collection -- reclaims an object. -- Effect it in descendants to perform specific dispose -- actions. Those actions should only take care of freeing -- external resources; they should not perform remote calls -- on other objects since these may also be dead and reclaimed. end -- class AUDIO_SOURCE
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